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Ronald Reagan's son: We have grifters in the White House

Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan and former first lady Nancy Reagan, tells CNN's Ana Cabrera that his father would "be horrified" by the Republican Party of today. He added that the Trump children are profiting off of their father's presidency as "grifters."


Will he go on FOX and say that Hunter Biden is profiting off of his father's vice presidency as "grifters."


Or will he go on Fox and talk about the billions Trump owes to foreign dictators and their investors?

So many choices!


Did you hear that bullshit on CNN or the voice in you head?


I can't recall where I heard Ghouliani say this.... but it was Ghouliani.


What is that stupid stupid man on about?
Trump's children are rich already, they make more money being involved in the Trump organisation.

I can assure you, there is blackmail / dirt on Ron Reagan, and whoever has it, wants Biden to win
Meaning, deep state has some blackmail material on Ron Reagan, hence why he said this stupid stuff that is not tied to reality


You sound rather insane.

How fun.


Deep state.., give it up you knucklehead!


Thank you for the Breitbart update.


Is there any dirt on Trump?


Yes people with money would never want more money! this wouldn't make sense at all... Where you have positions of power you can easily abuse since there are no repercussions.

nooo human would ever abuse a position with impunity for money they know they won't get in trouble for........ This makes not sense at all........... of course not........


I have money, I have lots of money.

I get more money because its fun, talking to people, pushing my personal limits, doing more each and every year, not because I need the money and I have job.
I am not going to hell or do bad things to get money, I wont let god down nor Jesus

I just don't see the Trump family being big dirt bags, their fairly consistent from what I have seen

But honestly, there's a limit to how much money you need, I've already got places all over the world, I dont like getting on planes and the security. But I don't want to buy a jet cause its a money hole, I would rather do business but get upgraded to 1st class and get points
Plus I point hack anyway, cause I like to be thrifty and work the system, just like how I work the tax system!

If Biden wins, Cayman Islands here I come! Toot toot!


"I am not going to hell or do bad things to get money, I wont let god down nor Jesus "

who ever said this?

"just don't see the Trump family being big dirt bags, their fairly consistent from what I hav"

Yes fairly consistent dirtbags. Im sorry you dont live in objective

"just like how I work the tax system!

If Biden wins, Cayman Islands here I come! Toot toot! "

Im sorry you are unpatriotic and do not want to pay your fair share. Im sorry you benefited from americas stability and other peoples taxes, and depending your age affordable and formerly cheap education system. And do not want to pay back in your fair share.

You literally proved my point. you claim its unbelievable that the Trumps would use their position to easily make more money , but you will move countries or at least your entire finances because you will make slightly less.

im sorry you dont want to contribute to the country you benefited from. like a leach


Notice how no one can actually present an opposing argument?


Yep! lol



Everyone who's supposed to be on the 'right' side but isn't is obviously being blackmailed.
Sounds like a great conspiracy. Keep it coming. Collect your ideas and maybe one day you can publish them!


My comments are in context of what the OP posted.
This specific case, but also can be applied to most cases where famous people put their name in the press and start talking shit about Trump. Who does that to a sitting president? Who's policies are pretty much all center-right if you want to read them. Its not the end of the world, Trumps not putting people in cages, chill the fuck out.
This is a good website if people want to research it -


Only a blackmailed person would do so to a sitting president.
I got your point.


I don't think he knows what the word grifting means, and it was his father, Ronald Reagan, who started the cashing in these presidents do after they leave office. Reagan was paid $4 million by the Japanese and was given a free mansion in California by his "friends" in business right after leaving office. What does he say about Nancy Pelosi making $130 million after getting elected to congress, or the Obamas $60 million.


Ron Reagan is a lifelong liberal who opposes almost everything his father stood for (unlike his brother, the conservative Michael Reagan), and he's always saying stupid, easily debunked crap about Republicans. It's dishonest and sleazy for Democrats to trot out "Ronald Reagan's son" every election cycle as if the real Ronald Reagan is somehow condemning the current Republican (Bush/Romney/McCain/Trump). He's not. Reagan was conservative patriot who loved America and, whatever their stylistic differences, he would very much be supporting Trump.


Ronnie Jr. always pokes his head out of the ground to attack the Republican party every election. He needs to put on his ballet slippers again and go tiptoeing across a stage. What a spoiled, self appointed know it all jerk. I cannot believe this loser is the spawn of Ronald Reagan. Nancy must've been doing drugs during her pregnancy!


I just find it amusing that a lot of conservative kids lean left. Kellyanne Conway, Rudy Giuliani, Ron Reagan, and more. What crap does the son say that's stupid and debunked? Got any examples? I don't believe Ron would've supported Trump. He's the classic conservative type imo so would be denouncing him due to his character.


You mean aside from Trump and his kids not being "grifters"? And no, conservatives overwhelmingly support Trump because they love America and the country as traditionally constituted really is facing the threat of extinction if the left seizes full power right now. The few Republicans who are Never-Trumpers are the establishment RINO types who didn't care for conservatives anyway. Reagan said Republicans should contrast themselves with Democrats in "bold colors", not "pale pastels". He was about substance. He wouldn't have prioritized trivial stylistic clashes or petty personal feuds over saving America.


Like, who the fuck cares? Why doesn't CNN interview Alex P. Keaton type, the conservative son from a leftist family. What does it prove? Jack and shit. Pointless.


Looks like the Donald is going to get Barr to lock 'em up with Russian fake news on Hunter. Yup he was already impeached for this, but...wait for it....he doesn't care! However he's going to lose and then HE'LL be locked up! I'm ready to mail him a skirt. Anyone wanna chip in for stilettos? He's gonna need 'em!


It's true. And Trump is the king of the grifters.

Trump's opinion of Hillary and Pelosi in 2008: They should go after Cheney for war crimes.
Trump's opinion of Hillary and Pelosi in 2016: Lock them up!

Trump's opinion of Iran in 2011: We absolutely should not go to war with Iran. Obama is doing it to be a war-time president.
Trump's opinion of Iran in 2020: Iran is bad. Obama gave them too much.

Trump's opinion of healthcare in 2000: The future is socialized healthcare like Canada has.
Trump's opinion of healthcare in 2020: Anyone who talks about socialized healthcare is a crazy socialist who wants the US to be like Venezuela.

He didn't get these new opinions on his own. He got them from the alt-right.

Why fight for what you believe in when you can pretend to believe in something else to gain easy votes?


He didn't get these new opinions on his own. He got them from the alt-right.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this is most insane thing I've read today. You need some more tin foil for that hat. This 'alt-right' doesn't even exist. It's a fake boogeyman created by Hillary Clinton.
