Biden looked so old and tired. There's only 3 years between them but Biden looked at least 20 years older than Trump. Trump was sharp, aggressive and unrelenting. Biden seemed scripted and Wallace kept jumping in like a crooked boxing ref whenever Trump had him on the ropes. Biden might as well pack it in now. The election is not for kindly grandpa, but for leader of America and in essence, the entire Western world. Biden could not even cut it as President of the Rest Home bridge club.
The entire world is shaking its head at us and the monster we have in power. You are part of a small, vocal minority of lunatics who support this madman. "Sharp, aggressive and unrelenting" forgot "rude, unprofessional, immaturely interrupting his opponent and the moderator...".
No wonder you like him--you admire uncouth SHIT behavior.
And Biden looked perfectly fine to me. And I highly doubt he needs a golf cart to move more than ten feet in any given area either.
Admittedly, I haven't watched Biden on camera that much but I watched the debate footage and the guy...seemed fine. Boring. Old and boring but fine. I'm no fan of either candidate but I can say this much: Biden conducts himself closer to what you'd expect from a president than Donald does.
I DO think Biden let Trump get under his skin too much and should have tried to let it roll of his back. He's a bully. A nasty bully who WANTED to rile Biden up. Biden shouldn't have taken the bait no matter HOW personal that abhorrent PIG made it.
Aside from that, Biden was rather tough with Trump and stood his ground well enough despite teetering over the personal insults against his son.
I'm no huge fan of Biden but he's at least a SANE individual. I'll take him.
Our country doesn't need a loud, rude, abhorrent PIG running it. Donald is the absolute embodiment of every single American cliche other countries envision of all of us Americans: Fat, loud, rude, uncultured, uncouth, racist, power-hungry, thinks he owns everything, thinks he can do whatever he wants, etc. It's beyond tired and embarrassing at this point.
Enough of this fucking clown show. After four years of this nonsense I know I'm speaking for a majority of Americans and most of the world when I say: I'm utterly EXHAUSTED.