MovieChat Forums > Politics > San Francisco To Vote On Whether 16-Year...

San Francisco To Vote On Whether 16-Year-Olds Should Vote

The reason why the voting age was lowered to 18 in the first place, was because if you were old enough to go to war, then you should be given the right to vote.

So what is the reason why 16yos should vote? Read the reasons. It appears that this is the window of capturing the indoctrinated votes. What responsibilities does a 16 yo have outside of a high school exam and showing up for a part time job?

Oh wait. The dems want to capture the teen moms too so they can vote for social programs they pander to as well, right?

Clearly, dems are losing their sway, so they need to open up a new pool of voters that are ignorant and naive to their cause, before they find out they're just a bunch of frauds.


Well the country will soon be pungent democrat forever. So really if a 10 year old can get married then they should be able to vote also. But really let just go to a dictatorship and forget all that voting junk.


Interesting film. The market is just a place for singles to meet like a nightclub, but with mom and dad present. Too bad the film doesn't say what the divorce rate is. The girls and their parents looked like a happy family. It appears Vera and the twins married. To each their own.


Yeah, it’s pretty obvious what they’re doing. Politics will always lower the bar of ethics.


That's the plot of "Wild in the Streets".


In midterms and presidental elections?

Even if passed in SF, no way it will pass the muster of the Supreme Court


You'd think they would have more important issues to focus on, like, oh, getting businesses to come back, lowering property taxes, cleaning up the homeless, cleaning up the poop and needles all over the place, bringing back tourism....but nope.

Gotta get kids who can't think for themselves to vote! It's as important as banning plastic straws and not cleaning out forest undergrowth so the Bark Beetles can make more dead trees to burn down the state.

Gotta love how smart these CA environmentalists are, right?


You’d think that everyone, including leftists, would have a semblance of common sense, but apparently not.


If they did, California wouldn't be in the state it's in right now.


Voting age should be 25.


Voting age should be 25 or whatever age when you are holding a steady job and paying taxes and actually have a dog in the hunt.

Twentysomethings who run home to mommy and daddy have no right to say how taxpayer money should be spent.


Yeah 16 is to young. There is not enough responsible thinking at that age or awareness. Even 18 is a stretch sometimes. I totally disagree with allowing 16 year olds to vote.


I want me a 16 year old asian girl.
