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Do black people commit more crime?

I've seen this statistic that black people comprise 13% of the population and commit 50% of violent crimes in the US. Is this true and why is this the case?


Depends on your definition of "crime".


Violent crime.


Not really. White folks can commit crime too it just doesn't get televised as much. Remember school shooters who were supposedly "Lonley and depressed"?


Look up FBI statistics. It's not about what's televised more, i'm talking about factual statistics from any credible source. They all point to black people committing more violent crime than any other race.


But you have to understand their end of the story. Unfortunately, blacks, Latinos, whites who are poor, are more likely to be raised in broken households in rough neighborhoods. They're likely to be faced with poverty issues. Unfortunately, some Minorites are left to fend for themselves Meaning they're left with 2 choices:
Learn how to fight or turn the other cheek.

Many White's in what society calls, "rich" neighborhoods never had that problem.


But you have to understand their end of the story. Unfortunately, blacks, Latinos, whites who are poor, are more likely to be raised in broken households in rough neighborhoods. They're likely to be faced with poverty issues.

But why are they poor? Why is it always someone elses fault? Why can't they improve their economic situation? Other minorities comes to the US and thrive such as Indians and Chinese. Why? Because they value education for starters. Targeting professions such as medicine, finance and accountancy gives you a much higher chance of becoming a middle class citizen then trying to be a famous rapper or basketball player.


It's a social issue Imo. I know two black men who from a very young age were put into children's homes until they were 18. They both say that because nobody really cared and they didn't really get in trouble when misbehaving (as we would with our parents) that they thought 'fuck it. Nobody cares anyway so might as well do it' .

They don't know each other but their stories are pretty much the same. Both been to prison multiple times, and both have mental health and trust issues.


It's how they handle themselves and the choices they personally make.

They takes normal names and totally change the spelling and sound.

Like Anthony...they say and spell afferney ..

The multiple baby mommas and fathers straight up not caring about their off spring.

Cant be money because athletes are in the one percent making multi millions and they are the prime examples of multiple baby mommas.

Humans are going to treat you and respond through your own actions and choices.


All they have to do is cry those magical words "You're racist" and the world hands them anything they want.


Poor people commit more crime. Since a high percentage of the black population are poor, they comprise a higher percentage of the poor population.

However, a black individual does not have to commit more crime to get a longer sentence than a white person for the same exact crime. He/she just needs to be black.


Poor people commit more crime. Since a high percentage of the black population are poor, they comprise a higher percentage of the poor population.

They're poor because they don't value education, they don't value education because of their culture. It' a vicious cycle and change starts with them. There needs to come a point where you stop blaming the rest of society and reflect on yourself.


their so called culture is a result of developing a rebellious offshoot to white racist culture that tries to keep blacks from power and in poverty. They deliberately set up gun shops and liquor stores in ghetto areas so black will be more likely to buy liquor and guns and take their frustrations out on each other and their families. They do this as a way to keep them fragmented and at a lower socioeconomic level. Educational institutes also deliberately profile black students and attempt to prevent them from succeeding by placing the brighter students with those that have no intention of being educated and only go to school to sell drugs or influence kids to join gangs. Point is everything starts with white people. If there was no white racism, there would be no ghetto black culture or blacks shooting each other and living in poverty. Its all a systemic process of marginalization based on racism going back to the emancipation days post-civil war. Something that asians and indians don't have to deal with since they don't have that history of dealing with institutional racism the way blacks and natives do.


The education in poor communities isn't even there for them to value. You completely bypass the lack of education opportunities because it's convenient for your narrative, not because it's intellectually honest.

When black kids move into white suburbs, they do just as well as white kids in education. It's not the "valuing" of education that just magically enables that move to happen either. There's a lot of work that needs to be done for a poor black family to leave a ghetto. Due to the lack of opportunities in the ghetto, a standard 9-5 in the area will not make it happen.

There needs to come a point where you stop blaming culture and take a hard look at the infrastructure behind where that culture exists. The problem is, if you examine the infrastructure of poor black communities, you find out its mostly controlled by people who don't even live there. Sure, those small businesses and housing markets are not as profitable, but the trade off is that they are extremely low maintenance. All that does is perpetuate the poverty indefinitely. Blaming culture is the easy and lazy way out of the conversation. But perhaps that was the point of your thread and your question "Is this true and why is this the case?" is just a ruse.


What lack of educational opportunities? Black scholarships are everywhere meanwhile White scholarships are forbidden. There is affirmative action to the benefit of Blacks.


Black scholarships are everywhere because black public schools are horribly underfunded compared to white schools.


Sean Last and Ryan Faulk on YT have done extensive research on this subject debunking these myths. They've shown data that proves that school quality doesn't matter as much. Also schools are funded by property taxes and property value in Black neighbourhoods is low because nobody wants to lives there due to crime, gang activity and loud music ie. Black behaviour.


Mark Sargent and Eric Dubay on YT have done extensive research on flat earth debunking the globe. Gonna believe that too?

When Alex Jones was on YT, he did a lot of research on Sandy Hook being a false flag operation. Do you believe that too?

It seems like the only think right-wing content creators are good at is spreading false information to gain easy viewership on YT.

A little bit of advice. If YT is your source, it's probably because it's bullshit.


Your analogy is pathetic. If you ever watched Sean Last videos you'd know he never makes claim he can't back up with scientific data. The left pushes the Black victimization myth because they know that without it, Whites would develop resentment against Blacks due to how Black people behave. So they have to lie in order to protect Black people.


Where I am it's the exact opposite.

The blacks are constantly in court and the judges give them every opportunity to avoid jail.
Before the judge for the 10th time and still they try and let them go.

Finally a white person is in court and the judge can throw every charge at them. Jail is always pushed to help diversify the jails . More white people in jail, looks better.

By me an officer pulls over a non English speaker. They dont even know where to start.
Most likely they are let go .

Pull over a white person who speaks English then the can get down to business writing tickets.

Its actually comical if it weren't so serious


Gotta call bullshit on that. Where are you that it's the exact opposite? Show some evidence. Simply saying "by me an officer..." sounds like you don't even believe the argument you're trying to make. You're not going to convince me if you don't even try.

There's also this:

Aziz Ansari got famous because of a diverse form of affirmative action? Even Kowalski called you out on your ignorance.

It's clear you have issues with people with brown skin regardless of the individual.


I live in NY and worked around a court room for 5 years.

Same old kids coming though, slaps on the wrist. Different world. In the suburbs these kids would be prosecuted.

In the city it's not that big of deal some of the crimes
Almost a rite of passage...they see many of their friends in prison if they get there..

And the prisons are not diverse.

White person comes into court it's a whole different game

They have money for the fines .
Longer and stronger sentences.

And they always look for a hate crime to add on

Junkies in nyc always looking for a fix have been mugging and robbing people for ever.

About 10 years ago, anytime a person of color was mugged a hate crime was added.

This was mostly done if the victim was muslim.

So word quickly spread among the junkies that they need to be more careful who they mug.

Mug a Chinese person or a white person no hate crime added.

Mug a person of color, hate crime.

So today junkies specially target whites and asians.

And in NYC there are many places where at night you will be attacked for just. Being.white.


Here you go, buddy:


By me every year white people build a house and donate it for free.

They give it to people of color.

5 years later the new homes become dirty.
They never care for or take care of their property.

When given help to show how to maintain property it didint help.

Because the fathers wouldn't even maintain their own children let alone property.

You can give every person a million dollars today.
Some will invest wisely , some will waste it.

So 5 years down the road if some are rich and some are poor and all thad the same million.
Is it racist that some are now broke?

Personal actions and choices make up a big part of the problem.

And like people say in other countries where blacks come on their own free will, have evey opportunity equally.

And still.act the same way.
So it cant be something magical about the u.s.


Blacks commit more crime even when controlling for socio economic status. Much more. The racist criminal justice system meme has been debunked. Studies don't control for lawyer quality, repeat offenders and most importantly court room behaviour.


Blacks commit more crime because the areas they grow up in have schools no white family would ever dream of sending their kid, and that leads to a lack of opportunities in those areas. Look for a decent-paying job in the ghetto. You won't find one. And most of those ghettos are owned by white people.


Black schools and "ghettoes" are poor because Black people have low IQ and make bad life choices.


I know there is a whole history with black people in America, so I will reference my country, Australia. In the past 10 or so years we have had African's come over here notably Sudanese, now they came here of their own free will. No slavery background or any oppression to speak of, in Australia anyway.

Despite having the chance of a lifetime, they form gangs and prey on people, they commit crimes and way over represented in crimes stats in terms of their numbers. Black dominated countries also appear to be hell holes, even when they started off pretty good ie South Africa.

So I do believe there is something about black people which makes them violent.


lol Australia is one of the most racist country in the world. Innocent Indians and Lebanese who come to Australia as exchange students are always being attacked and pushed around by the locals there. Africans come from a background of white oppression and systemic discrimination going back to the apartheid days, so forming gangs is basically second nature to them when fighting back against similar forms of oppression. Point is, don't act racist towards others and then be surprised when you see gangs forming to fight back against racists


lol The Lebanese like to gang rape Australian women. So do the Indians. Africans are just a waste of space. Don't cry about racism when you treat white people like your own personal punching bag.


stop engaging in curry bashing, robberies, and attacks against innocent business owners and indian students and maybe you won't have to deal with these crimes anymore. You don't get to attack innocent minorities and then cry about being called a racist. Funny how there are plenty of these indian students in canada and U.S, yet you never hear about these gang rapes happening. Just goes to show racism is the reason behind 90% of the conflicts involving white people in the world


If any of the things you mentioned actually existed it would be shocking. One of the incidents we had down here was an Indian man who claimed he was set on fire by racist Aussie's!! You know what really happened? He caught fire when the car he was trying to set on fire for a fraudulent insurance claim!!

Oh and the Indian couple who were upset when their baby went missing, racist Aussie's again, except the baby was taken by their Indian neighbour.... hmmmmm...

Oh and the Indian's and Muslims who have raped and the African's who love their crime. Yeah... so racist we are yet so many non whites want to live here.

Wake up to yourself, troll.


lmao you should be the one to wake up. I like how you conveniently overlooked the incident where an innocent indian bus driver was doused in gasoline and lit on fire by a white FULL VIEW no less of other whites who didn't lift a finger to help. Didn't try to smother the flames with their jackets or anything. This is an example of tacit acceptance of white hate crimes, and further proves my point that all australians are nothing but racist people who aim to destroy the hardworking minorities that are making more of an effort to improve their new country, than white racist locals. At one point, curry bashing was a national sport; however, the minorities turning to gang violence has largely put a stop this sport. Muslims and Indians do just fine in Canada, but that maybe because racism is less tolerated than in other countries, so there goes your point about these groups being unjustifiably violent. one comes here to be good buddies with racists, they come here for the infrastructure and opportunities. Things that were stripped from their countries due to centuries of looting and expansion by racists.


Go talk to the BLM protesters who killed the little black kid. Who burned down black communities and businesses.

You are full of it.


innocent black people have been killed by white cops for decades without a single white person ever coming forward as a witness and speaking out about racism or police brutality. Racist whites are the direct cause of groups like BLM and riots that occurred recently


And now BLM protesters are killing black people. A wonderful achievement for your side.


Those are accidents, a result of decades of gentrification, urbanization, and marginalization by white people that have led to blacks taking their frustrations out on each other. Meanwhile, your White extremist friends ran down a leftist protester in Charlottesville, and have attacked your kind plenty of time for speaking out against racism. Plenty more cases involving white racist on white racist violence for the purpose of being top dogs in the white supremacist movement. Also, rapes committed by white racists against white girls for dating minorities and using Stand your Ground laws as a smokescreen for killing minorities under the guise of self-defense. Funny how you never seem to hear about that though eh?Truly you're on your way to developing a racially pure society by doing that


Wow, you are really committed to this bullshit.

Unfortunately, you are so full of it, I don't bother reading your rants anymore.


I will always stand for those who face oppression on a daily basis. Whether it be from the fat Karens who make falsified reports of "suspicious activity" to blatant white supremacist rhetoric. It's just the way I am. Now, I'm sorry you can't handle that, but with the way racism is a huge concern right now, you shouldn't be surprised to see those of us that are passionate enough to take a stand against you racists and racist sympathizers



Now I'm not saying your kind is completely in the wrong regarding minorities. After all, I hate immigrants as well. Especially those types that come here and want to change the culture to fit their own third world way of life and mentality. I 100% support Trumpists who fight against this sort of thing. All you need to realize though is that for those domestic minorities, or immigrants who have managed to truly make this country theirs', there is an invisible war happening. One in which the tide is slowly turning against the racists. We need to keep the momentum going to completely destroy this scourge once and for all


*hint* I don't even read your posts.


I get that, but you see by glossing over my posts you're only doing yourself a disservice, no matter how much you might think otherwise. Now, like I said above, I'm not completely against you racist types. I wholeheartedly understand where you're coming from, because after all, I've been there. I've experienced what its like to deal with people who seem to be trying to uproot your way of life. But that's the thing, we're in the same boat!! We're fighting a war against immigrants who want to uproot the national cultural values involving independent thought, native way of speaking English, mingling with people of different backgrounds, and feelings of pride for having a uniform identity, and replace it with their third-world mentality, low-class ways, segregationist, group think philosophy of backstabbing, ass kissing, constant staring, and destruction of the host culture by making people feel bad for talking and acting American. However, I will always speak out against racist assumptions based on stereotypes of those of a different colour. Thats what it all comes down to.


I'm not even "glossing over" your posts. I think you are deluded brainwashed Left winger who does not live in reality.


So you DO read my posts. Well that just means you're a liar then, and everything that you say from here on out should be taken with a pinch of salt. And explain what in my post suggests that I don't live in reality. If anyone's not living in reality it would be you and your fellow far-right wingers that can't seem to grasp the fact that they are privileged due to their white skin and enjoy certain benefits. Among those benefits include being exempt from being treated badly by immigrants (unless they begin to outnumber you within a geographic space/localized area). I characterize myself as a more of a centrist though.


OMG, are you really this daft?


The problem is you are too concerned about sides to care about what the other side is saying or is trying to achieve.

Remember, BLM tried this the most peaceful way possible by having a minor celebrity kneel during the anthem. But you and the president didn't like that either and demanded it be stopped.

If you're going to bark when it's peaceful then nobody is going to take your barks seriously when things get violent.


LMAO you lot couldn't wait to get violent. You have killed or caused more of your own to die than the people you are rioting against.

Thanks for the laugh.


Remember, BLM tried this the most peaceful way possible by having a minor celebrity kneel during the anthem. But you and the president didn't like that either and demanded it be stopped.

You are going to complain regardless which is why your opinion is absolutely worthless.


How many deaths have BLM caused again, mostly to black people?


Sure, there have been casualties, but it's hard to stand back and do nothing when the Trumpers go full retard and prevent all types of protest while simultaneously supporting a system that doesn't punish bad cops.


uh huh. Tell me about not liking walls then the first thing the Left wing thugs do is build a wall around CHAZ. lol.


Americans would never ditch their country if things got bad.
They stay and make things better.
Not obnoxiously force themselves into more successful places.

Those places failed because of their ideas and policies.


haha, tell that to the americans jumping ship because of Trump and going on lengthy vacations to Canada in order to avoid going back to Alaska. The ones that do stay, stay because of white privilege, the only trump card that guarantees them success in their country. When you have white privilege there are less barriers to success, people listen to you more due to social benefits associated with it, less consequences for speaking your mind in public, no matter how obnoxious, and finally, you get your way more often even when your least deserving. Case in point, fat welfare white people who complain in public about everything and have their concerns heard more without security getting involved, compared to minorities who have to tolerate more. Resources were stripped and used to build other countries,setting those countries back decades, so descendants have every right to come here and make and enjoy the fruits of their ancestors labors


Completley backwards?

In the u.s. there is affirmative action.

So colleges, jobs, police have to pass on the more intelligent and more experienced person in order to offer diversity.

And now every country failed because of America and everyone has the right to come here?

Welfare is used on a small demographic in the u.s.

And white people cant speak their mind.

There are hundreds of words that can get you banned when describing a person of color.
There are zero words that will.get you banned when describing a white person.

Its shows the maturity level. between the 2 groups that are so different in the way they react.


You can't say anything bad about black people, especially if it's true.


It should only be acceptable to criticize individuals. When you are whining that "you can't say anything bad about black people" you are admitting you want to criticize a whole race of people you've never met.


True. You can say bad things about conservative black people. That's all.


Oh yeah, that Bill Cosby was criticized because of his political ideology. You really nailed that one, ace.

Fox News spent nearly a decade criticizing a black man for everything from a fist bump to wearing a tan suit. I think it's safe to say you can criticize any black individual and get away with it.


True. Look how much evidence it took to finally bring down the great and mighty Cos. Suddenly, the Left never even heard of him!


Wrong. Ethnic groups should be judged how they behave compared to other groups. Acknowledging the fact that some ethnic groups as a whole do worse than others and thus create a cost for others does not mean you blame every individual of that group. Ethnic blame is a game that left plays openly and explicitly by blaming White people for a whole lot of things that aren't their fault, but when you give them a taste of their own medicine, they screech.


Failing to acknowledge that some ethnic groups as a whole do worse because of a lack of resources to educate them is more evidence that you don't care about the underlying issue, and are just looking to get your rocks off by criticizing other ethnic groups.


It's obvious to anyone that isn't in denial that different ethnic groups do differently either due to genes or culture and culture is just fancy word for life choices.


Sure, go for the culture. Cultures can vary a lot just within one ethnic group, making it incorrect to criticize the entire ethnic group.


Nobody is blaming everyone in an entire ethnic group. But problems some ethnic groups tend to cause on aggregate is a valid argument in dealing weather or not one wishes to live with that ethnic group - allow them to immigrate and so forth.


You can't show an aggregate that proves it though. You are basing it all on assumption.

Also "some ethnic groups" pertain to multiple entire ethnic groups making your first sentence flat-out incorrect.


There is plenty of evidence that Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims in Western countries cause problems. Anybody who thinks otherwise is in obvious denial. If the left really cared so much about "ethnic justice" they constantly claim, they would care about this injustice to Whites that many non Whites cause. The left has totally incorrect standards about so called ethnic justices.


And there's plenty of evidence that the amount of Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims who cause problems are less than 50% of those populations.

And there's plenty of evidence that shows the problems arise from the lack of resources in their areas.

For example, black people are dark-skinned because the environment they live in is so hot and arid that it's difficult to grow things.

But when they move to somewhere where vegetation can actually grow and thrive, they get the "your culture sucks!" business from the non-blacks.


And there's plenty of evidence that the amount of Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims who cause problems are less than 50% of those populations.

So what? The proportion is higher and that's what matters.

There's tremendous amounts of evidence genetics is the largest factor.

For example, black people are dark-skinned because the environment they live in is so hot and arid that it's difficult to grow things.

Nonsense. Africa is better for agriculture than Europe.

But when they move to somewhere where vegetation can actually grow and thrive, they get the "your culture sucks!" business from the non-blacks.

Show me a successful Black society


The proportion is higher because the lack of resources is higher.

Genetics being the largest factor is in your head because of your desire to be a member of a superior race. AKA white supremacy.

Africa is where the darkest-skinned people live because it's too hot to grow things. And if you're talking about central Africa's flora and fauna, you're talking about rain forests which are even more difficult to live in.

Black societies that became successful did so by moving out of Africa to a better environment, where their dark skin shifted to light skin to absorb more of the sun's nutrients.

Such societies took thousands and thousands of years to build up. The people who are still black are the ones who stayed in Africa long after those European societies developed.


Science supports genetic hypothesis of intelligence

Race and IQ what experts think

European genetic ancestry predicts with intelligence within each major American race/ethnic groups and this remains true after controlling for racial self-identification, genetically predicted skin color, and parental education

Racial ancestry predicts IQ after controlling for skin color and parental SES. Skin color does not predict IQ differences between siblings, suggesting discrimination can’t explain why skin color or ancestry predicts IQ.

Polygenic scores (PGS) based on the frequency of genes which predict IQ within each race are highly predictive of national IQ differences even after controlling for malnutrition, measures of national development, and child mortality.

Controlling for PGS reduces the relationship between African ancestry and IQ even after having already controlled for SES, skin color, self reported experience with discrimination, and measures of local institutional racism, suggesting racial IQ differences are partly caused by the genes measured by the PGS.


Nothing to do with White supremacy. I acknowledge science says Asians are more intelligent and have lower crime rates than Whites.

When "Africans" moved out of Africa, they evolved into another race due to cold climates and different selection factors. They ceased being Africans. You still haven't shown me a successful Black society. Blacks live on 5 continents, in 50 different countries, their countries have totally different cultures and histories and there isn't a single place where they are doing even moderately well.


Africans only fight each other when white people want something from the region. When white people came to Africa for slaves, Africans fought each other for the white man. When white people came to South Africa, it was apartheid for all black people. When Pat Robertson and all the white people offer Africans top dollar for blood diamonds, Africans fight each other for them. When white missionaries try to change the religion in Africa, wars between Africans begin.

But when white people and their money and influence stay away, Africa is actually fairly peaceful.

It's the same dynamic in Central and South America. Things go to shit when white people want something.

That's also what happened in Iran in the mid 1950s.


Africans were fighting each other way before White people came. In fact, they exterminated each other in the Bantu expansion where Bantus genocided the pygmies.

Africa is violent today and is doing worse than under colonial rule.

Europeans civilized Africa.


Africans were fighting each other the same way white people were. In fact, when it came to fighting your own race, the vikings took the cake. They didn't care about exploring. They visited Canada then went back to Europe to kill more white people.

The wars in Africa are because of imperialism. The same thing for the Middle East. It's all about resources that are guarded by what white people consider "primitive" and therefore easy to get those resources.


Of course Whites fought with each other. I never said otherwise. If wars in Africa are a result of imperialism, how do you explain wars in Africa before Whites arrived and the wars in Liberia which was never colonized?

Interesting nobody today blames Turks for the wars in the Balkans even though there is more evidence for that than the wars in Africa.


Liberia was created by the United States. The Lincoln types wanted slaves to be free, but didn't want them living in the US. So Liberia was created to put all those slaves.

But thankfully, the liberals who created the Republican party shortly before Lincoln was elected managed to convince him to be full abolitionist, allowing slaves to live here.

Today, Liberia is used as a tax haven typically for white people.


IQ is all about book learning. The better you are at book learning, the worse you are at other things like spatial intelligence. For example, Ashkenazi Jews are generally the highest IQ people in the world, but they suck at spatial intelligence. However, "primitive" cultures are better at that spatial intelligence than the smartest people in the world.

IQ develops how the individual develops in a society, not the genes of their tribe. If the society focuses on book learning, the culture has higher test scores. If they don't focus on book learning, things like spatial intelligence fills the void.


Jews suck at spatial because it's not in their evolutionary history. Their ancestors never needed it. Rather, they evolved verbal skills because their ancestors were merchants and consultants and those were better at it had more children. Pure social/natural selection.

Eskimos evolved better spatial intelligence because the ones that were bad at it got lost hunting and couldn't find their way back to the igloo in the arctic terrain.


It's not evolutionary history, and I can prove it. The smartest people in the world are Jews of the Ashkenazi variety. They are ethnically related to the Israelites from millennia past, but those Israelite Jews do not share the same traits. The Ashkenazis are different because of the more recent culture they surrounded themselves with, promoting a solid family structure, focusing on the celebration of their kids lives, etc. It literally has nothing to do with their genes.


Where is your proof? Genetics explains it perfectly. Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than Middle Eastern Jews because they lived for centuries in Europe where they were denied owning land which forced them into high IQ jobs such as merchants, bankers, accountants and advisors to royalty. Those that were the smartest had most surviving children like for example the original Rothschild family which had 10 children five of them were sons which all went into the banking industry.

This segment from the Norwegian documentary on intelligence has an explanation of this by anthropologist Gregory Cochran if you want it to be explained to you in video form:


"they were denied owning land which forced them into high IQ jobs"

There you go. Like I said, it's all about resources, not genetics.

Thank you for proving my point.

If it was about superior white genetics, the white Europeans would've been smarter than the Middle-Eastern Europeans.


I didn't prove your point you idiot. High IQ jobs do not magically raise your IQ. Rather they provide selection in a sense that those who are more successful in those jobs are able to have more surviving children which is gene selection. But apparently you are too stupid to even know how evolution works. The video I linked explains it perfectly, you really should watch it.

European Jews are smarter than Middle Eastern Jews. Look it up. Europeans are also smarter than Middle Easterners.


European Jews are smarter than every human.

The Middle East is where intelligent cultures began. The Persian Empire and Egypt is where the Greeks and Romans obtained their knowledge that eventually spread to Europe.

Europe was able to build off of it because of all the green land.


The Middle East today has about 15-20 points lower IQ than Europe. Only Jews that lived in Europe and intermixed with Europeans have high IQs. Even Middle Eastern Jews have substantially lower IQs than European ones.

Greece and Rome wasn't built on Persians and Egyptians. This politically motivated pseduostory promoted by idiots like Martin Bernal has been debunked to death. When they translated Egyptian texts they expected to find philosophy like the one among Greeks, but they were stunned to find nothing of the sort. Egyptians were religious fanatics.

Europe was nothing special all up until the middle ages, throughout the renaissance when it shot up ahead the rest of the world by a mile. There have been academic papers written proposing that this was the result of genetic changes due to more intelligent Europeans having more surviving children. The upper classes supposedly replaced the middle and lower classes 2.5 times over and this resulted in higher intelligence.

Here is the video that explains this:


What about criticizing culture? #thuglife


It's not true....technically the majority of black crime is perpetuated by men, so it's more like 6% of the population commits more than 50% of the crime.


Violent crimes*.


they're really white people in black face thats why is looks like they do.
