MovieChat Forums > Politics > Democrats want to keep America shut down...

Democrats want to keep America shut down indefinitely; President Trump and the GOP want people free and prosperous.

Democrats were slow to react to the virus but fell in love with government shutdowns because they see them as an opportunity to permanently expand statist control over people's lives and because they assumed destroying the US economy would hurt Trump politically. These establishment figures have ZERO respect for the intelligence of the American people, with Bill Maher brazenly saying he's rooting for a recession and Hillary Clinton openly repeating the line about the crisis being a great "opportunity".

But in CNN polling Trump's lead over Biden on handling the economy has increased from 4 points in April to 12(!) points a few days ago.

Democrats, who aren't smart enough to try anything but pawn grabbing, have predictably been trying to blame Trump for virus deaths and attacking him for nudging the country toward opening up (in a safe, phased in way). Democrat states are typically maintaining lock downs while conservative states, less locked down to begin with, are the ones opening up.

Now people generally view Democrats as the party of perpetual shutdown and Trump as wanting to open things up, in part because that's how Democrats have framed it.

The truth is Trump responded to the virus faster than other people, imposing travel bans and encouraging shut down guidelines that always had to be temporary to avoid worse consequences. They gave us a chance to build a pandemic testing/treatment/management infrastructure basically from scratch, while conditioning people on mitigation behavior. Now it's time to open up and mitigate while living your lives.

Meanwhile Democrats are receiving increasing backlash over their strident, often arbitrary and excessive shut down orders, they've arrogantly abused citizens, and they've been doubling down on their rhetoric attacking Trump and states like Florida and Georgia that are in much better shape than Democrat states like New York. Protests will only continue, and more judges will smack down dictatorial abuses like this one:

The momentum is inexorably in favor of opening back up. While Democrats are relying on shallow establishment thinking and poorly constructed, out of date polls designed to tell them what they want to hear, President Trump is, again, more in tune with the real populist Zeitgeist and the essential, freedom loving American spirit.

Gloom, doom, endless poverty, and boasting about "unemployment on steroids", versus optimism, liberty, and a rapid economic recovery.

The stage is set.


This is looking more and more to be the case everyday.

Watch and learn.

After a state opens up, a person will die and CNN will shit the bed for a month.


I'm amazed they have enough for even that, considering they and the other lamestream media have been having diarrhea continuously for 4 years. Someone should send them tons of packages of depends and say "Get ready for 4 more years of Trump!" >:)


I would say the lapdog media also needs cases of Emetrol due to diarrhea of the never stops! Maybe they could use some of their “relief” funds to purchase the depends and Emetrol! 🥴🤮


A bunch of these Democrat governors are getting addicted to their dictatorship! Look at fatso Pritzker and Whitmer for example.

Leftists always cry that Trump is a dictator when he's anything but! But they don't say one word about these governors who are crossing lines and ARE acting like dictators.

They're so blind to what's happening and they obviously don't care that they are trying to see just how far and long they can go to take away our freedoms, crash the economy and ruin America!

First it was flatten the curve. Now it's we need to have everyone tested every hour and then a vaccine and even then nothing will be normal again. Are they NUTS?! The answer is yes.

We're treated like babies with the constant explaining of proper hand washing and how to wear a face mask and stay 6' apart...THEY make me sick! They lie to us daily about information while they're loving they're new-found stardom as they go on TV every day to give so-called updates and keep pushing dates back further and further.

If some people aren't ready to be out and about, don't go out! But many of us have been ready for weeks now. Enough is enough.


Its even more simple than that. A Republican world where you have freedom to choose for yourself. Or a communist Democrat world where you’re a slave.

Never has it been more clear.


Democrats want people to die and they want people to sink into poverty so they can score cheap political points, while in the meantime they go home to their privileged gated mansions.



He’s off the hook



Wrong. Though you're free to click on "ignore" if my fact-based analysis hurts your feelings. No need to try to censor everyone who disagrees with you.



Looked at some of your posts. You're a sad little boy.


You failed to live up to your screenname. You even suck at trolling.


Another sock bites the dust.


Trump & Trumpites = Death Cult


Democrats want people huddled in fear in their homes, stifled and dependent on government welfare.

Abortion, push for government healthcare rationing, open borders and releasing violent criminals resulting in countless American deaths, US life expectancy literally falling starting under Obama, and Cuomo killing 5,000 nursing home residents with his moronic order forcing them to accept infected people.

Biden, Keelai, and Democrats = Death Cult


This 👆🏻



Your cult leader wants you to die while he has WH staff tested everyday to keep himself safe. He despises your weak-mind.

You must despise yourself to believe your life isn't worth anything.

Trump & Trumpites = Death Cult


Piss off, you lying baby killer. I know things aren't going your way because America is recovering and growing more optimistic, but have your meltdown somewhere else, moron.

Biden, Keelai, and Democrats = Death Cult


It will end in the press when Trump gets reelected. The virus isn't Scarlett fever so the press will move to the democrats starting new impeachment cases the next term.


"The truth is Trump responded to the virus faster than other people"

Oh my God. You actually believe that don't you?

Stunning ignorance.


You're the ignorant one. Trump imposed travel restrictions when Democrats were still entirely focused on their impeachment farce. His order caught them off guard and they responded with the typical knee jerk opposition, spewing crap about "xenophobia" and "fear mongering".


Really, you're going to go with that line while the USA is the current epicenter of coronavirus? After he repeatedly dismissed it as nothing to worry about and told everyone it would magically disappear by April? You really think he did all he could to prevent the spread while tweeting LIBERATE a month ago when isolation was so crucial to flattening the curve?

I think you're having a laugh.


The US has a lower per capita infection/death rate than most of the major European nations, in some cases around half despite evidence of the American stats being inflated (e.g. Colorado). It's the "epicenter" only because it has the third largest population in the world and China both lied about its numbers and employed brutal draconian tactics an educated person would expect out of a communist regime.

What's more, New York is the real epicenter. The US average would be even lower, much lower as I showed on other threads, if not for the gross incompetence in New York and New Jersey; its leaders doing what you falsely accuse Trump of doing and worse. Your debunked lies about Trump are laughably simple minded and off base. The record of Democrats attacking Trump for being a "xenophobic" "fear monger" are still there for anyone to see.

The focus should have been on protecting nursing homes, by far the most vulnerable population, something we knew from the beginning. Instead New York ordered them to accept infected people against their wills, killing thousands unnecessarily. Other states, like Florida, put more effort into protecting elderly centers and less into forcing healthy young people to stay home, with much better results (science).

Now that we've successfully bent the curve it's time to reopen before the consequences of a prolonged shut down eclipse those of the virus. Democrats keep wanting to do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Trump has handled this about as well as it can be handled.
