In a 2016 interview with CNBC, billionaire Warren Buffet predicted 'free oil'. And that's exactly what happened Monday, as oil plummeted into negative territory for the first time ever (another 'first' for T-rump!). Now T-rump is scrambling to bail out oil stocks to help Wall Street.
Here's the interview and what Buffet said would happen:
Damn! Did you even watch the video? He didn't predict anything. He just gave a hypothetical. If he was predicting it, then why did he invest in an oil company in 2019? Counter intuitive, innit? If he predicted it, why didn't he take any short positions?
When you turn in your homework, it's expected to be complete and thorough. This is half-ass at best. You did no research and just took the click bait. You get a C, for effot in actually posting a link, but an F in achievement for not even watching the clip or reading the article. I mean, how stupid is that? Like, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
There’s one thing worse than an oil’s the fact Doggie is gleeful about it. I have never run across someone who jumps for joy when stocks collapse, oil collapses, people are without needed medical equipment, unemployment skyrockets, etc. Anything and everything which could bring us close to a depression would bring him such hope and joy because it would hurt the person he despises...Pres. Trump. If Doggie had to stand in bread lines he would be the only one who looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. 😊
I'm not quite sure how you can detect glee in a post, or see me jumping for joy about any post I've made, since we're not connected on Zoom, or any other 'virtual meeting' platform.
I'm making a logical guess that this is part of the delusions you're suffering from your 104 degree fever these days, which you "claim" to have been suffering from in another post. What other logical explanation is there ?