T-rump adivsers: When all else is failing, start a war in the middle east !
Economy has become a dumpster fire ? Unemployment is skyrocketing ? Global pandemic you didn't know how to control ? Stock market in the toilet ? Your re-election prospects circling the drain ? The first term of your Presidency is stained with Impeachment, record administration indictments, incompetence and complete failures ?
There's a way out, Donald T-rump! According to the Republican Playbook, when everything is failing and you're re-election looks dim at best in another five months, just start a war in the middle east ! Got that ?
Just start a war...or pretend to start a war. Threaten to start a war ! This will manipulate the stock market for a while, and drive up oil prices again, just by rattling your saber and threatening war in the Arabian Gulf via Tweet. This will distract everyone from everything falling apart in America right now.
Go ahead, give it your best shot Mr. President...
"I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea."
Excellent! You rock!