MovieChat Forums > Politics > Obama Deported Nearly 2 Million In First...

Obama Deported Nearly 2 Million In First Three Years Of His Presidency – Trump Has Deported Fewer Than 800,000

Where was the liberal outrage then?


So what you're saying is T-rump is a complete failure, once again. As though we didn't know this from everything else he's done the past three years. As the saying goes: "Whatever T-rump touches, dies".


what the hell are you talking about?


He keeps trying to do better than Obama (that's his mission) and he hasn't has he? He's only deported fewer than 800,000. He's a failure - a complete failure.


As usual you missed the point. Well actually you usually just make stuff up, but when you aren't doing that you are missing the point. Liberals throwing a shit fit over Trump deporting everyone who isn't white, yet he hasn't even deported half the number Obama did, and Trump ended the Obama admin's policy of separating kids from parents. If Obama does something, its all fine with the libs


The stuff you accuse me of making up is called facts. I know that's tough on you to accept.



- Misses point of posts
- Makes up or twists stories into "facts"
- Ignores posts and goes off on rants about nothing



- Doesn't stick to facts, rather deal with the 'alternate truth' put out by FOX
- Doesn't understand facts
- Ignores posts and goes off into tirades based on conspiracy theories


Your childish responses are so predictable. Alternative truths of fox! Everything is a conspiracy!


Your childish posts are just as predictable.


The stuff you make up are facts? Then why don't you post links to your chepooka posts to prove what you say are facts? Just because you so isn't a fact. Just FYI.

Speaking of facts, Alice the Fairy is a children's book. That's a fact. No question about it. Because it's a children's book, the reading level is low and aimed for a child's reading level. That's also a fact. Because the reading level is low, it should be within your comprehension level. That is not a fact. That is an assumption. Thus, it is quite possible that the book is above you. That is logic based off of countless examples of your despicable posts. Enjoy!


The stuff you make up are facts? Then why don't you post links to your chepooka posts to prove what you say are facts? Just because you so isn't a fact. Just FYI.

I have in the past, and you claim you don't click on any links liberals post. (You've said this to me, ultravioletx, dteam, etc). So why bother?

BTW, did you have a good day in your special-ed class ?


Whether I click on them or not is irrelevant. The point of posting a link is to PROVE what you post has validity. You don't because it doesn't allow you to slant the narrative you want to present. Again, no proof other than because you say so. What else is new, dogdump?

Speaking of new, people are going to buy many new things this Black Friday. You personally can buy yourself a new copy of Alice the Fairy for instance. Not only are there many things that are new, but there will be a variety of things to buy regardless of what their social value is. However, the road you want to lead this country is a place where choice is removed. Take the liberty away from individuals and have the state choose for them. Too much sugar? Too much fat? The state will choose for you and do away with both. Big brother looks after everybody since people have ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT in your society. This is another reason why you're such a despicable person. Enjoy!


Hello Master of Coin.

In a nutshell, this is dogdump.🤣😁


"We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke."

LOL! Except the left tries to train everyone wrong and it's no joke. Doggiedaddy is just one of their best students. Or worst, depending on how you view it. A population of Doggiedaddies is how you'd get a boot stamping on a human face forever.


Obama was nicer about it.

Illegal immigration rates are probably lower recently, too.


How dare he. Think of the children.


Obama may not have been perfect, but he didn't put children in cages!


Yes he did.


He absolutely did.


He 100% did.


I voted for Obama, but he did in fact use use cages. It would be disingenuous to deny it.

Biden also mistakenly claimed during a debate that they didn't use them under his Administration and he was quickly fact checked.


Progressives are the only group that criticized Obama's massive increase of deportations.

Liberals don't exist any more. The democratic establishment absorbed liberalism so now they both mean the same thing.

The liberals that refused to align with the establishment are now called progressives.

But be careful with this, LB. Many Trumpers on here refuse to believe this actually happened. They choose to believe Obama let immigrants in to the point where Trump had to stop it.

Also, Obama did not have to separate families as much as Trump did. Trump's family separation was caused by his change in policy of deeming every undocumented border crosser a criminal to be separated and locked up.


Progressives are the only group that criticized Obama's massive increase of deportations.

Give us a couple of progressives that criticized Obama's deportations.

Liberals don't exist any more. The democratic establishment absorbed liberalism so now they both mean the same thing.

Too bad. Liberals used to stand for Freedom of Expression and 1st Amendment rights. They would denounce groups like Anti-Fa and would be appalled at what has become of the ACLU and SPLC. Truly disappointing. However, fueling hatred is making them money hand over fist.

The liberals that refused to align with the establishment are now called progressives.

AKA komrades.

But be careful with this, LB. Many Trumpers on here refuse to believe this actually happened. They choose to believe Obama let immigrants in to the point where Trump had to stop it.

So by this rationale, since you've all been calling Trump a racists for his deportations, this makes Obama a racist too, yes?

Also, Obama did not have to separate families as much as Trump did. Trump's family separation was caused by his change in policy of deeming every undocumented border crosser a criminal to be separated and locked up.

Notice the bold print? Thus, bitching about Trump separating families makes you all hypocrites for not bitching about Obama. You see the logic there? Phony as always UV.


ODS strikes again.


Such an "honest" discussion, yes? Your phoniness proven again.


President Trump on Wednesday commuted the prison sentence of Sholom Rubashkin, whose Iowa meatpacking plant was the target of a huge immigration raid in 2008, and whose 27-year prison sentence angered many Orthodox Jews. they're all working at Mar-a-Lago.


Well lookee here

That's not that much money - If y'all sold all yer Robert E. Lee ashtrays on Ebay you might get Trump to do something for you.


Wow. Now that was intelligent. Proud of yourself, genius?


Yes. Yes I am. is very useful.

You should check it to see if your neighbors have made "the right" contributions so you don't burn a cross on the wrong lawn.


Eat shit racist


They say he deported but he also signed several executive orders for but were rejected by the courts.
