After the second firefight in the past 10 days between American soldiers and their Afghan allies, at least 14 civilians, most of them women and children, were killed in an airstrike on Saturday in northern Kunduz province, according to Afghan officials. At least four Afghan soldiers were also killed.
You don't have anything, Republicans have abortions all the time and Republicans are the people who implement policies that directly result in inflicting abuse and death on children within and without the US. Republicans murder American children daily. Republicans daily deprive children of their parents and education and food and housing and health care and the right to not be shot do death. Republicans daily deprive children of life and health and literacy and art and love and safety. Republicans advocate murdering children straight out of the womb. Republicans right now are spending millions of dollars setting up "sanctuary cities" to protect their guns instead of spending millions of dollars to remove guns from those cities to prevent children from being shot to death. Republicans right now are pushing for children to die (cutting down the CDC and EPA and federal healthcare spending for Medicaid and CHIP and food benefits). Republicans right now are pushing for children to be homeless (abolishing HUD projects) and poisoned to death by toxins (building new HUD projects on top of toxic sites, abolishing EPA). Republicans right now (and have always) pushed to murder children physically and emotionally and psychologically and spiritually and culturally and socially and legally and politically. You have nothing. You murder a billion animals a year for food you don't need to eat and for products you don't need to use and you pretend to be pro-life. You trot out the non-viable embryo/fetus and pretend you care when the moment the unborn is born you declare yourself not responsible and want the government to abolish itself to avoid allowing one penny from "your tax dollars" to be spent in that newly born life.
Your President is the snowflake for telling the globe he is exonerated while refusing to allow Senate Republicans to vote on allowing the report to be publically released. What does your snowflake President have to fear? What do you have to fear?
And the administration of said topical humiliations must be done expeditiously and regularly in order for the lessons to even have a fragmentary shot at becoming enlightening. Onward!