MovieChat Forums > tb1976
tb1976 (131)
No thanks
She'll fit right in here in the UK with all the other perverts and weirdos
So she moved to the UK
Maybe spoilers: Do you think Dan survived? What about the gas station attendant.
Ah, it's old shitlips again
Spoilers: Did anyone notice the bloody 'handprint' on the back of the dress...
The 'raygun' of actresses
What a load to shit!
That is probably the ugliest 'woman' (?) I've ever seen.
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Actually, I would be the one that was really upset if my son was bullied for money by someone who was much younger. That was pathetic and a fine example of parent coddling which goes on far too much these days.
He seemed like he would be a nice guy. However, many people have the roles when they are young but once they reach a certain age, they (for various reasons) stop getting the roles. IT could be the way they age; maybe age too quickly or not quick enough. Sometimes, better and faster hearthrobs come along and steal the light from other actors. I remember havin the same conversation about Shane McDermont.
We've decided to to one big massive FUCK YOu by taking withdrawing my savins, selling up, and leavin the sinking island to the marxists.
They'll have house parties like you won't believe. Oh, hang on a sec...YES WE WOULD!
Well, it seems as if God (yes, I'm spriitual and proud to be a child of Jesus), has given the US a second chance so maybe I'll relocate there.
True, but the thing is though, us normal folks with money are wanting out (of the UK).
MAGA people usually have common sense, articulate, and dress as if they have pride in themselves which usually doesn't involve blue, red yellow and green hair, botoxed and inked to the max. Many usually consider there to be only two genders.
no we don't. we have enouggh fruity pebbles without her adding to the problem.
I can't decide who's the biggest piece of shit, Walz himself, or his wife.
I just got finished watching it. Still has an impact one me as well. Pretty frightening, still.
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