Zarkoff's Replies

I'm impressed by Seconds. Kind of an overlooked classic. Yeah. According to the nanny, Palmer wasn't surprised at all when she told Palmer what had happened. The old Universal Wolfman was a tragedy. He didn't deserve the curse that fell upon him. I heard he's toxicly masculine or something. Any criticism of him gets you accused of TDS, like they think you're mad to criticize him. It's bizarre. Truely cult like My local UHF station used to show a few of them. It was always the same few movies, though, which was frustrating. (HBO) Max has some of them now, but they are subtitled, dubs aren't even an option. I know some people say subtitles are superior, but when it comes to Godzilla movies, give me the dubbed versions! Very true. One of the biggest examples of that is how people will sometimes do strange things in life threatening situations. They become overwhelmed and can't think clearly, I guess. When John Kennedy was assassinated, his wife, Jackie, reacted to him being shot in the head by climbing onto the back of the limousine and picking up pieces of his skull. Kind of morbid and gruesome, but it makes my point. If someone did something like that in a movie, I think people would be laughing and talking about how stupid that was. My post was 100 percent about the obvious lies Trump told while running, and the fact that he's already backpedaling on many of his claims, specifically about the one that he'd be able to quickly and easily fix inflations, while putting in tariffs at that. Yes, he's not even in office yet, and he's already admitting he won't be able to come close to doing what he said he would when it comes to inflation. Like I said before, he had to know this while he was running. The willful ignorance is yours. You won't even acknowledge what my post is about. Your post is all about trying to blame Biden for inflation (which, as I pointed out, is actually worse in most of the rest of the world). You didn't write a single word that had anything to do with to my point. You're using cumulative numbers to claim inflation started under Biden. And inherited inflation is exactly what Trump promised claimed he could fix, quickly, while putting big tariffs in place. My point about Trump was how obviously false his claims were and how obvious it was that he lied. I didn't say Trump should be able to quickly cure high inflation. Very clearly, that wasn't the point. Stupid doesn't being to describe you. Oh, look, I replied, breaking my promise, kind of like Trump. Bye, for real this time. TDS? Biden never claimed to be able to eliminate inflation practically overnight, while doing something well known to send inflation into overdrive like tariffs, only to back down before even taking office, you fucking idiot. There's no hypocrisy in my post, you utter nincompoop. My criicism of Trump is not the same as what you said about Biden. Inflation has been going down under Biden, and it has been better here in the US than it has been in most of the rest the world. It's been improving gradually, though, which makes sense. AND BIDEN NEVER CLAIMED TO BE ABLE TO DO OTHERWISE. I've already had my fill of talking to a fool for today, so have a good day. Republicans are already looking for excuses to blame the left when Trump fails to even come close to follow through on the many claims he made while running. They don't need to do anything except point out all the things he's failing to follow through on. Those were obvious lies anyway, as obvious as when he told people he would have Mexico pay for the wall he wanted to build on the southern border, but it doesn't hurt to remind people that he completely failed to follow through on so many things. I watched it regularly. Two snaps up. I know right? Common knowledge. It's like not knowing Tom Cruise was in Top Gun. I had no idea Kinski played Renfield in a movie. So Dracula (Nosferatu) and Renflield. Interesting! They bonded over the show when they first realized they both loved it. I like to think they were fans of this obscure show from '77. Double dipping sorry, but what about Slide it In by Whitesnake? Too on the nose, maybe? The rhythms maybe not great for that, either. It had the most carnage. I'm a little surprised it didn't get a better reaction from horror fans. It did deliver on the murder and mayhem you want in a slasher. A little silly, but that's part of the fun of these movies, really. You think it wasn't obvious that Trump wasn't going to be able to fix inflation. Oh, while putting in place massive tariffs, too? Gloating that the guy you voted for won while he prepares to fuck over most of the country. Can't say I'm surprised. You were fool enough to vote for him in the first place. They have their bad apples like any group of people do.