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cTalby's Replies
The ending was very good. Spoilers incoming obviously. It was only after he met the rich guy the killer has realized the he is really one of the many; there are others who belong to the few true exploiters. His killing streak throughout the movie leaves us with no delusions that there is any empathy in him and we aren't supposed to root for him but he himself has recognized that some people are higher on this scale. He will defend himself from them if it's necessary but he isn't going to change his worldview by eliminating those who are _supposed_ to be the "strongest". Now, personally I am not even a "blame the rich" guy (you may have noticed that Hollywood has somehow much harder time in blaming the politicians; kicking the rich is cheap) but I would give Fincher a pass for this because he used to put billionaires in good light in the past imo (fantastic The Game) so he just personally made it square with them with this one.
posted a year ago in The Killer (2023)