LogicalLeftist's Replies

great so the science got better. why did you have to post 15 paragraphs and 31 links? but that's not the issue here. you are trying to reframe events that happened as "diehard unchanging covid scientism vs the other group who said lets be open to changing science". that wasn't what happened. it was people accepting the best scientific evidence at the time, vs largely conservatives denying covid even existed, that it was even that bad, that we don't need to do anything, that "they did their own research" and know better. your reinvention and reframing of events is laughable. so. no answer I see not it isn't. and no matter how many buzzwords you use you won't sound intelligent or knowledgeable or make any more sense.. You could use all these same buzzwords you just seem to regurgitate as a reason to be open to and embrace flat earth, the Jfk death or the fake moon landing conspiracies and nothing would change. that is an issue. it means you re equally receptive to possibly legitimate questioning, as you are to utter nonsense conspiracy theories and just bullshit. why? because you don't actually say anything of substance. you are just here to conflate questioning with knowledge, and accepting all sorts of nonsense in the name of "being open minded" as just as valid. its a neat trick ill give you that! it lets you frame anyone who shuts down your made-up BS as just being ideological and not open to learn and the facts. you made it easy for me to just casually brush through your 3 posts, including 14 massive paragraphs and THIRTY ONE LINKS. this is like mental illness level of gishgalloping. you do know WhotoTrusts reply to you was 3 small paragraphs and that is what you responded with?? its a common tactic gishgalloping. You say and bring up soo much its impossible to pin you down on any one thing. believe it or not I am not reading your gishgalloping junk. You aren't an expert. you aren't a scientist. you didn't do any research. not real scientific research. you created a narrative, then gishgalloped and found things you think backed this up. all you wrote could have been summed up in "covid had no silver bullet to address it so the things we did to address it weren't perfect. and Tim Robbins changed his opinion on some things" is Tim robbins a biologist? a virologist or vaccinologist? so why do I care and what does his feelings have to do with covid. no im good you gishgalloped. its the tool of the unintelligent and deceitful or both. you are right. it doesn't feel like the original story, a boring ass story. its a far better one and Carey is hilarious sounds like they were pissed he stood up and didn't accept their BS script and rewrites. Cavill's the hero we need you seems to think if you just says "question everything" you are deep thinker and actually looking all options objectively. youuse it as an excuse to believe nonsense under the guise of "intellectual curiosity". to you anyone who accepts accepted truths of science just isn't "open minded". its a neat little trick you try to justify believing whatever nonsense you wants to new poster and already loving your logical takedowns of these crazies you had to do the minimal for two years. wear masks, swash your hands, leave a little distance for people. and that's "like a slave" conservatives are crybabies and can't even do the minimum to help America this guy seems to think if he just says "question everything" he's a deep thinker and actually looking all options objectively. he seems to use it as an excuse to believe nonsense in the guys of "intellectual curiosity". to him anyone who accepts accepted truths of science just isn't "open minded". its a neat little trick he seems to try to justify believing whatever nonsense he wants to please stop pretending like "just asking questions" is equivalent to science. what is this little schtick you are doing? they've unfortunately poisoned their own brand. Q-anon, Neo-nazis, science deniers, anti vaccine nut jobs. im always wondering what version of conspiracy theorist/anti science nut job conservative im talking to when they say they are on the right. You didn't address anything I said. what is it with you Craig? such a ball less loser who runs away from points. village clown weird as I sit in my home I bought looking at my two cars :) you don't. buddy you've never done research. you've looked up things that confirm what you already think. you've never done scientific research and don't know what you are talking about. yaaa when studying biology and chemistry and physics who needs those "overpriced indoctrination centre degrees". chemistry and nuclear physics, its all left wing conspiracy to indoctrinate. this is why conservatives get made fun of as science haters. yes and back then those were middle class jobs that let you buy a house in a few years and the wife stayed at home and you could support a family. wait an engineer learns how to do research in high school?!?! LOL what are you talking about. I don't care if you re on my side, the shit you are saying is sooo dumb. you advent addressed anything in the video other than to say "nah uh" really university/college is free and extremely cheap? people get middle class jobs outside of high school? houses are dirt cheap? <blockquote>"You don't need to "go to college" to be "more educated." It's called the internet, and before that it was called the library (or Cliff Notes)"</blockquote> ya let me just go to the job interview and say "well I don't have a degree technically but I read cliff notes!" this is why no one takes you conservatives seriously... honestly that was so dumb. <blockquote>Now, it's true that a lot of employers want to see a college degree. That's because so many people went and got college degrees. That story comparing 1940 to 2018 says that one-third of Americans over 25 have a college degree or higher. One-third of the work that needs to be done doesn't need 16+ years of classroom instruction. But here they are, one in three, waving a piece of paper. And most of that is borrowed money. Cut off the lending and the prices will fall, or the services (college education) won't be demanded.</blockquote> like honestly wtf are you talking about? your doctor going to skip school and instead just read the cliff notes? how about your building engineer? "don't worry mark read some wikipedia so now hes good to engineer this 20 floor building or bridge" your post was so stupid its unbelievable. yaa zucks an idiot. lol i don't like bezos. what did that prove clown? the show was utter shit