Boomer52's Replies

I am trying to send you a private message but apparently I am "too new" to use that function yet. I wanted to talk about California. So much to see. I am partial to Southern California, but the entire state is pretty awesome. There is lots to do here. Dear Cherubino1, Your statement is interesting. I had not thought about Babylon Berlin in that light. In fact, my first post in this thread was in response to online articles stating that U.S. audiences would probably not watch a "foreign language" TV show. I experienced the opposite. I am learning the German language and, I hope, learning more about German culture. Like overseas7, I have not seen the shows you mentioned. Perhaps Babylon Berlin resonates with me because it takes place in the twentieth century. I was born in the early 1950s, two decades after the Babylon Berlin setting. My dad and two uncles served in WW2. (One uncle was killed in the Pacific.) My parents met and married in Manchester, England prior to D-Day. My then-pregnant mom traveled to America on the Queen Mary. My dad went to Normandy. But beyond my personal connection, I just enjoy the series on its own merits. I loved being introduced to great actors: Lars Eidinger, Jens Harzer, Volker Bruch, Liv Lisa Fries, Misel Maticevic, Karl Markovics and Peter Kurth. Not to mention the special bonus of two of my favorite actors from THE WHITE RIBBON: Leonie Benesch and Christian Friedel. Kind regards. Living in Los Angeles, I am accustomed to hot weather. As for geopolitical matters...ugh. I must hold my tongue. Ever since Babylon Berlin, I have enjoyed learning more about German culture. Especially movies. I really liked PHOENIX, THE LIVES OF OTHERS, and DER TUNNEL. And the early films! I see where Peter Jackson found his inspiration for The Gollum in the Ring movies: Astaroth in DER GOLEM. And Tristin Rote in BABYLIN BERLIN is right out of Cesare in CALIGARI. I was not familiar with early German cinema and this has been a fun journey. Kind regards and stay well. I am glad you had a nice vacation on beautiful Crete. It took some time and work, but I managed to buy tickets for the Hamburg Elbjazz Festival. Our 2023 German trip is built around Moka Efti Orchestra, and we will see them on June 9 in the Elphi. It is later in the year than I would have liked, but it was the only confirmed Moka Efti concert date I found. And I think we will enjoy the festival. I do like "Der Nasse Fisch". I am not very deep into it yet, but so far I like the characterization of Charlotte Ritter in the TV series more than in the book. Otherwise, things are quiet here. How is everything with you? Good, I hope. Thank you for staying in touch. Lucky you! Enjoy your vacation! Sorry this is so late. I was spending time with family in Michigan and we mostly partied, to be honest. Yes, I have been to Europe twice. We visited relatives in England and Scotland. I loved it! Well, I just now worked my way through the first paragraph of DER NASSE FISCH in German. This is going to be a long and interesting process! I trust all is well with you. Yes, I live in hope. Would I attend? Only to protest. LOL, tengo un poco de español después de un verano en México durante mi juventud perdida. ¡Intenté hablar español pero los nativos me rogaron que lo dijera en inglés! Ahora vivo en el oeste americano y tenemos una gran población de habla hispana. Es hermoso idioma. Aprendí algo de la ósmosis pero planeo aprender más. Wie interessant! Bist du gebürtiger Deutscher? Ich wurde in den USA geboren, aber "meine Mutter" kam aus Schottland (WW2-Braut). Wir hatten zwei deutsche Kriegsbräute in unserer kleinen Stadt (Charlotte und Elisabeth). Ihre Kinder sprachen fließend Deutsch. Ich danke dir sehr! Sie sind sehr freundlich. Wir haben die ersten beiden Babylon Berlin Bücher in deutscher und englischer Sprache bestellt. Ich hoffe, es wird mir helfen, Deutsch zu lernen! Wir denken darüber nach, im Frühjahr 2023 nach Deutschland zu gehen. Ich plane, 2023 nach Deutschland zu gehen und würde gerne Moka Efti sehen. Ich spiele die CD ständig in meinem Auto. Ich spare mein Geld. Bitte verzeihen Sie eventuelle Fehler, ich verwende Google Translate. Danke! Does anybody know when 2023 Moka Efti Orchestra dates will be announced? Such a good series! I am a 70-year-old American woman and I took up study of the German language b/c of Babylon Berlin.