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Sdeletic1's Replies
Watching the movie now and the scene is described as if Malcolm didn't play 821 but, he did while they were hanging out. That drug had his boss slipping. That's why throughout the film when Malcolm links up with him, the writer clearly has this guy bragging about his "great memory". He's telling Malcolm not to write his clients numbers down due to the paper trail it can leave(legal reasons) and how he should be like him... But, we got to see him completely mess up on his memory while under the influence of the so called man's drug...hint hint...Malcolm also felt blessed for the incident. He would've never become a Muslim and turned his life around if it hadn't been for that memory loss. He definitely payed to play 821. His boss was just wasted and forgot to put his numbers in. Somewhat, bitter sweet.
posted 3 years ago in Malcolm X (1992)