MovieChat Forums > imissimdb > Replies
imissimdb's Replies
I actually did but since I'm usually better able to remember characters with faces (the actor/actress) I would have to scroll\e to see which actor was which character and then after reading a few sentences i wouldn't Remember which character was which name since there was many characters. I'm also pretty bad at remembering names in real life. If it makes you feel any better, I am pretty good at following almost all movies and storylines, and one of my favorite hobbies is making accurate predictions of what will happen next in a movie I've never seen before.
oh wow you came over from imdb to this site and then you quit after one post? Wow
well he was broke with no nickels to rub. I believe only during clinton where people allowed to go to the emergency room with no insurance and I dont think NY gave free health insurance in 1969. That seems like recent events with obama (and maybe a little earlier at the state level)
i liked it. id give it a 7/10.
Far from the greatest WWII films but much better then the likes of pearl harbor or some really awful WWII films.
For example how was inglorious bast-ards ever allowed to be made? that movie deserved 0/10 (and brad pitt signed up for the monstrosity why again?)
No it was no Shindler's list or saving private ryan but it was pretty informative. Bridges of spies for example was a high budget film and a big film but was it better then this film?
P.S. If you don't put a dash in between the film name the filter thinks its bad language content even though the movie was called that. Poor filter.
really you enjoyed the mother? I thought it was clear the mother was a selfish mon-ster who was not only NOT interested in her son, but her young grandkids or his wife. She hasn't seen them in 10 years? wow. And doesn't even want to pretend to want to. No wonder he wasn't a great father.
after reading the whole message board apparently some people conclude there cousins. Hopefully that information is helpful 17 years later.
1000% agree. Hey come back to imdb (now moviechat)
Im probably nuts for responding to a 17 year old post (is that a record?) but hey i miss imdb and its movie discussions
No there not siblings as far as the movie shows. Leo and Willie are just best friends (and it seems childhood friends). Also he may have had a thing/crush for Erica when he was 15 (depending on if Frank told the truth). I'm more inclined to believe that was made up for what Frank though for his own benefit.
Hope that clears it up 17 years later lol!!!!
And hopefully you use moviechat now
oh wow thanks for responding (And WOW so quickly). You just randomly checking this movie page?
He's a great actor but his character was the most thought provoking. Since technically wahlberg (Leo) is the protagonist and he doesn't help him along the way and causes him tremendous problems he ironically suffers the worst penalty of all (the loss of his daughter, and being at fault for it).
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