MovieChat Forums > PopMusicFan1927
PopMusicFan1927 (114)
A big reason why I think the ending is totally absurd - -
Did Riggs and Joshua know each other from their Army days?
Of all places to surprise Roger with a surprise happy birthday cake/song, why did they do it while he was taking a bath?
The fact that Riggs has short hair and the fact that he doesn't smoke in this movie really makes this feel off
Why is it mentioned that Riggs has quit drinking yet we see him drinking beer consistently throughout the movie?
This movie really is Shatner's "Threat Level Midnight"
He reminds me of Tim Robbins, is it just me?
Did Magua regain some form of humanistic compassion towards the end?
Am I the only one who thinks that the Warden was a relatively good guy during the 40s and 50s? (First half of the film)
What was the significance of the older dark haired lady on the subway at the beginning of the film?
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I feel like one of the many great aspects of demonstrating the nature of the characters of the film exists within scenes like this. A lot of the events of the film that lead up to this point do a great job at displaying the humanism of Andy, Red, Brooks, and Red's prison buddies. Even though we have been shown that Hadley is a brutal and harsh man, this scene really shows us how his harsh ways are not merely part of his job - he really is a man with no sense of understanding and he is not capable of things like regret and empathy. Even when one of his fellow guards says he is sorry to hear of his rich brother passing away, Hadley makes it clear that he couldn't care less and is audacious enough to be angry at him for leaving him a decent supply of cash.
I feel like the fact that the Warden is humanized early on (his scene with Andy during the inspection when they both discuss their favorite Bible verses, the scene in his office where he shows Andy the needlepoint picture that his wife made in the church group, etc) really makes it more of a gut punch later in the film when he throws Andy in solitary for a month, has Tommy killed, and adds on another month to Andy's time in solitary. Yet, we know from early on that Hadley is an evil bastard who is capable of carrying out anything with no ethical sense of self control.
Honestly, I think it should be Gettysburg vs. The Last of the Mohicans vs Braveheart
Gettysburg really feels like a cousin of The Last of the Mohicans, I feel like Dances With Wolves is really not the epic that people say it is.
He had a pedo vibe to him. Definitely reminds me of somebody who would be told by Chris Hansen to have a seat.
They are both at the total opposite ends of the western genre. Comparing Unforgiven and Tombstone is like comparing Blade Runner and Wrath of Khan; both are great staples of their respective genres yet one is a sullen/brooding disillusioned character study (Unforgiven and Blade Runner) while the other is a full on celebration of the genre full of action and adventure and heroism and fanfare (Tombstone and Wrath of Khan).
Apocalypse Now, The Longest Day, The Thin Red Line, The Hateful Eight
Apparently Doc had 40,000 bucks on him when he came to Tombstone (in real life). So yeah, Kate wanted that cash as soon as he passed away.
No - it is the fact he refers to the 70s as "the 70s", this film was made and set in 1980 lol. It feels bizarre to hear somebody refer to it as the "the 70s" when it is only the first year of the decade that follows lol.
My dad was an extra in the film, he was an extra in the barn/field hospital scene where Longstreet visits Hood. You can see his boot in the bottom left corner of the screen in the shot where Longstreets first enters the barn/field hospital lol.
Gotcha. If there was ever a story that would turn a person into a complete lone wolf, it is this one.
Summer of 2003 is when I first became acquainted with the Dollars trilogy, I was 12 years old and about to enter the 7th grade lol.
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