Productionnow20's Replies

See how you are putting down some women (cause they are girly) over others? That’s sexism. It’s disturbing and disgusting. And feminists support getting rid of harmful narratives/stereotypes for men so that they don’t feel the need to “take a hit.” I also feel the need to mention how 83% of high frequency victims in domestic abuse are women. Women also make up the majority of victims in rape and sexual assault (90%). See the inequality? Men are almost always the perpetrators... that’s why women can’t even walk places alone without worrying about this reality- or did you already know that too? I know such a double standard... Women have conflicts with men who don’t know anything about women’s issues, history, discrimination, or statistics (sound familiar?). And then those men blame women as if it’s their fault they don’t know anything. But don’t worry, women definitely don’t spend their days wondering about why they have conflicts with men. Believe it or not, they have lives that don’t revolve around men... It’s sexist cause there’s a history of oppression for women including, for example, men only focusing on women’s looks. Can you say the same for men? Give me a time in history when men were oppressed (and ridiculed for their looks)... It’s not double standards “lol”- one gender has a history of discrimination and another doesn’t. One gender helps to discriminate against the other, while the other doesn’t. Do you know anything? But she was financially dependent on him, she stayed home and took care of their child, all the chores, and all the meals... women were not able to work due to a lack of opportunities, lack of full educational benefits, shaming if they were a mother and not home with their child, a low probability of being hired, discrimination in the work place, and even if they did work they weren’t paid equal to men for the same amount of work (still aren’t fully in the US) so they still couldn’t necessarily support themselves and a child. Being divorced and being a single mother was also shunned in the 60s. Stop making complicated matters so simple like “oh well she could have gotten divorced.” There is no such thing as being sexist towards men- it doesn’t exist. For example, I can’t say I experience discrimination for my race as a white person, I can’t say I experience discrimination for my sexuality as a straight person- so you can’t say you experience discrimination for your gender (sexism) as a man. Men are not oppressed now nor ever, they’ve always had the most rights, in fact, societies are based around their rights and the exclusion of others (women, BIPOC, LGBTQ...). Feminism is fighting for equality, no discrimination, and full rights and representation, not just “choices.” But let’s all try to be nice here. Bewitched was sexist, the way Samantha was expected to give up her powers cause her husband just didn’t like them, the way he had the final decision about things “cause it’s his house,” the way he talked down to her and said whatever he said goes, how he just expected her to sit around all day and take care of their child, clean the house, and have food ready every meal he was home based off of his schedule, how he told her who she should and shouldn’t be around... it goes on and on. Then again, it was the 60s, a product of its time.