MovieChat Forums > DesertBreeze

DesertBreeze (1)



Yes, she is the most annoying character on TV. I just discovered the show last month. My God, she is a deeply, deeply flawed individual. She lies constantly, to everyone, about everything. She's one of those people who lies automatically, by default, without pausing or weighing it. Any slight discomfort or potential awkwardness, and boom, she lies. I despise people like that. She lies to her boss, constantly. She lies to her boyfriend. She lies to her parents. She lies to every random person she interacts with. The accent is insulting to Southerners, just way overdone like Sofia Vergara's extremely exaggerated South American accent on "Modern Family", which most Americans will probably assume is Mexican. I don't think I can listen to her say lew-TENNENT one more time. You probably have to hear it to understand... Her facial expressions are painful to watch. They're so extreme, so exaggerated, that it seems like it has to hurt to make all those amplified expressions all day, every day. I feel like her facial muscles must have been so sore in the first few weeks of production. She's extremely unprofessional. She lacks the basic ability to handle the various requirements and responsibilities of a high level management position in the modern world, certainly not a high level police leadership position. For example, she dismisses and neglects the federal WMD anti-terrorism training that her team is required to complete, risking the loss of federal funding, which would cost her one member of her team. She says the training is not important. This is in a post-9-11 world, just four or so years after the attacks. Not important? She also says that it's unrealistic for her team to ever need to deal with WMD. Problem: The last episode before this one she and her team helped the CIA bust open an Islamist terror plot in Los Angeles, where the terrorists had procured weapons-grade plutonium... I mean, really? Are the writers on drugs? View all replies >