MovieChat Forums > Freeion > Replies
Freeion's Replies
Lifehack, using a forbes blog post as a source only for how fast a human can read, not for how much information is retained... the claim is that the brain just automatically retains everything is reads and thus they take in more information the faster they read. If you weren't speed reading, you would have caught this was an unfounded claim.
Using real science, not internet science.
Early studies of eye-fixations during speed reading reported that speed readers skipped large portions of the text and that their eye fixations traced a path different from the traditional left-to-right path of normal English readers (McLaughlin, 1969; Taylor, 1962). Just and Carpenter (1992) found that trained speed readers showed better speeded comprehension of high-level information than untrained speed readers, but only when the rapid reading was of a text on a familiar topic. Trained speed readers were better able than untrained speed readers to use their previous knowledge to bridge the information gaps that occur during speed reading (Just & Carpenter, 1992). Thus, speed reading may evoke strategies that focus on global coherence at the expense of local coherence, but such strategies may only be effective for familiar topics. Untrained readers, when faced with the novel task of speed reading, might rely more on executive control processes. In one fMRI study of trained and untrained speed readers of Japanese, trained speed readers’ activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG, or Broca’s Area) and the left posterior superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke’s Area) decreased during speed reading, in comparison with normal reading (Fujimaki, Hayakawa, Munetsuna, & Sasaki, 2004). According to the authors, the results suggest that trained speed readers bypass phonological processes during speed reading.
But speed readers don't. All speed readers think they do but it's been proven time and time again that the brain speed reads by reducing the amount of time actually thinking about and digesting what is being read. Similar to how it's been proven multiple times that the brain isn't capable of multitasking but people still insist they're really good at it (what the brain actually does is switch between two tasks rapidly, doing both poorly)
Carbon dioxide isn't the problem. HUMANS and the massive environmental destruction we keep causing in order to maintain a modern life style is the problem.
Which is why speed reading is pointless.
"I can get through a book fast but it doesn't translate a laptop."
What are you trying to say here, that you can read text on paper quickly but not text on a screen quickly?
Anyone can read quickly... but to retain, process, and comprehend is quite different. Speed reading is like selective hearing, you miss quite a bit but heard enough to get by if someone asks questions.
I agree. What is worse is how the film pretty much makes fun of this fact and shrugs it off.
If COVID was actually dangerous to the majority of the population, we'd probably be more united about how we planned to deal with it. Right now COVID is just politics, people complain about the large number of deaths but at the same time believe the bare minimum protections (like wearing masks) is actually a viable solution. It isn't, and if anything it propagated a false belief that wearing a mask means you're safe to go fly on planes, go to parties, or otherwise spread the virus... social distancing is a down right joke, the science fully supports that it does next to nothing compared to actually self-quarantining. Our whole "if you're vaccinated you can't catch it, so stop wearing masks and go out and party" ignores completely decades of medical science and the push against anti-vaxxers.
Look at how we're now fearful of the delta variant but we still don't have the guts to do the one thing that has proven time and time again to be effective against a pandemic. Shut down travel.
There is only one solution to climate change, the extinction of the human race. The problem isn't carbon dioxide, it's humans... no one wants to admit that all the destruction we do to create cities, infrastructure, mining, cellphones is what really causes climate change because then we'd have to admit we're the problem rather than just blame the problem on some smaller sect of humans.
Always thought modern CGI looks far worse than old school animatronics. There was a time when it was actually people's jobs to create robots for movies, but now that CGI is so cheap no one bothers to do that anymore :'(
Unfortunately, Rick and Morty is at a stage where the fans that are remaining are so desperate for new content that they'll accept anything rather than let the show be canceled before it's killed its brand.
Why don't you go someplace else then, if listening to people other than yourself is so upsetting that is.
So why are some movies okay to talk about in general but not movies like these?
Porn movies are still movies.
Thanks, was thinking about this one again.
There are people who find politics entertaining, this is an entertainment site after all, why ban one form of entertainment when there are so many others people also dislike?
How about the ability to end anyone I wish just by thinking about it. This world is full of people whose lives need to be ended for the betterment of all. You can't honestly tell me that you'd miss certain political figures, right?
Time isn't really the problem, the issue is that movies like these are designed to consume and forget. The movie focuses more on its visuals than the emotions of a scared 10 year old boy. I'm honestly surprised they left as much of the book ending in as they did.
Was thinking that too. intothenight was talking about how big this thing was, but didn't expect him to be talking about something only about 1 pixel big. That's worse than the photos of bigfoot! At least they're blurry out of focus photos of a man in the woods... this looks just like a speck of dust.
LOL, that is funny. Probably just because the site automatically uses the images IMDb uses, and IMDb doesn't have a poster sized image.