MovieChat Forums > SuperMangua > Replies
SuperMangua's Replies
Speaking of reaching out, forming coalitions, influencing the GOP; didn't Nick Fuentes and Vince James attempt to do that? I haven't followed their videos but that's an impression that has variously been presented.
Some say Nick Fuentes destroyed himself with cookie monster jokes and they may be right. Others believe he destroyed himself on January 6th. The consensus is that he's destroyed.
Vince James also appears to have been scrapped from YouTube.
They're irrelevant. "Goobers", as Bannon used to call them.
Ben Shapiro despises "identity politics" and I don't think there's any chance he would be convinced. These aren't some helpless children that just need to have their eyes open and suddenly they'll see and support you. They also have millions of dollars thrown at them from billionaires and financial influencers to keep a certain ideological and Party line. Just as an example, take a look at the Wilks brothers - major funders of conservative causes, including The Daily Wire, Prager University, and Senator Ted Cruz. Also, notice how Ted Cruz was the first choice for president among precisely such famous influencers.
By the way, not only are they into fracking, but you can read about how the Wilks brothers run their own "Assembly of Yahweh". Their parents being expelled from a Church, their newly founded "church" is not Christian, believing that Yahweh is the only god. It teaches that "the true religion is Jewish (not a Gentile religion)"
Very interesting stuff. Basically, and briefly as I see it, the Super Wilks Bros and their parents hated the Universal prosperity for all people of 1950s New Deal Christian America and decided to join the Jews and to become a sort of Jews themselves in a tiny coalition of exclusivity and aganist collective humanity. In other words, they turned to the Dark Side of the Force and took part in funding its destruction of America.
An old bane of humanity, seeing yourself as a superior being, a Nazi, despising universal egalitarianism.
The GOP seem to be stuck with African-Americans at very low percentage of support, even among wealthier African-Americans duo to various Media influences, cultural, historical, education system ideologies, and so many factors.
They see a fertile ground of voters waiting to be exploited among Black business owners and wealthier individuals. Even Trump saw this opportunity and invested government money in Black businesses and minority "development zones".
I saw recently even a figure such as Alex Jones was airing clips of poor old Colin Kaepernick's latest video; I didn't unmute the stream but I can guess that he was talking about how America isn't racist and therefore Blacks should vote for the GOP.
So far they haven't been successful with African-Americans. On the other hand, it seems that there is a real growth with the Hispanic community; Trump did better with them in 2020 than he did in his first run. The Virginia race now.
There are divisions to be exploited among Latin Americans; they have their own significant racial divisions.
Is Texas going to turn Blue? Next elections are going to be exciting.
But in any case, it seems to me that the Republican Party is simply going to have to move a bit more to the Center in the near future. Sort of in a way of the Right-wing parties in Western Europe; building compromises to stay relevant.
This current form of far-fetched libertarianism of Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk, the Koch brothers, even as they're throwing all the money in the world to promote those views;
I think the momentum is against them and the enormous, infuriating, social inequalities, personal debts, health crisis, perceived and real discriminations; these grievances are going to find an answer and it's definitely not going to be the small government Republicans. This is where Biden was sent to enact a controlled New Deal that attempts to satiate grievances while serving Corporate interests at the same time.
So to finish up on this section, I may have my own thoughts on whether the people should take back control of their government and what does that even mean; I may have my own opinions on gun control, and other ideologies.
That ultimately doesn't matter.
OK, moving on. Well, I think the Republican Party has overwhelmingly and irreversibly decided that its focus on growth is going to consist of winning minority voters. All that Steve Bannon ever talks about on his War Room podcast is winning over the Rio Grande Hispanic voters (by the way, the real reason why they went Trump in 2020 was because they work for the Oil industry over there but Bannon deliberately misrepresents the facts) and building an Afro-American coalition that's going to run the country for the next 100 years.
Now they say that they won the majority of Hispanics in the Virginia governor race. Some claim 54%.
While it is true that the area of Virginia close to DC is home to exceptionally wealthy immigrants from around the world and wealthy individuals are more likely to vote Right-wing; I think this is going to further embolden the GOP strategists and supporters in the Media that this is the right strategy and approach.
Besides, they love immigration. Even the elder Murdoch was at a conference and supported the need for more immigration to America. The big corporations and even so many small business owners love the influx of cheap labour, both legal and illegal. This is their preferred modus operandi for as long as they can keep getting away with it. And for the present and foreseeable future, this is going to be the future of America. At least until technological automation of jobs changes the direction of their greed.
So, is the GOP going to remain a competitive party in the foreseeable future? They won in Virginia, Trump is polling tied to Biden. They seem to be stuck with African-Americans at very low percentage of support, even among wealthier African-Americans... (tbc)
I remember Molyneux had less than 1 million subs when they booted him while PJW is now approaching 2 million.
This is interesting though, according to SocialBlade analysis PJW's channel has significantly slowed its accumulation of subscribers and views in the last few years. In contrast, Ben Shapiro has seen a scyrocket increase of his subs and views over the last few years. This might have something to do with the now famous and infamous YouTube algorithms that select what political content gets popular and what doesn't.
Nonetheless, why YouTube has chosen to keep PJW; I think he summed it up well in one of his videos, it was from these recent years, where he covered a number of society's ailments but also asked the rare question of "What is the solution?" to our problems and he gave the answer that "there is no solution". Well, I'm not Anti-PJW posting here because we can't expect everyone to have all the answers, even a former janitor like himself.
So I think his role is to be kept as a dead-end, "limited hangout" and it's even more sinister because people are given hope and they see this rebel swinging fists over there but the algorithms makes sure that it stagnates and doesn't grow.
Thus, nothing gets accomplished. For me personally, the less is said about how Sargon "that rape guy" of Akkad destroyed UKIP, the better. It's just nauseating at this point.
Oh yeah, I love Ann Coulter ever since she said she'll personally perform abortions inside of the White House if Trump builds a wall. I've been a fan 100% ever since.
I don't think that ordinary people, the commoners, have much power and say over government policy. Public opinion isn't unimportant but it's also manufactured to a huge extent. Kind of like Chomsky's idea of the Manufacture of Consent.
I don't think America is a Democracy; it's arguable that maybe there exist some Democracies in Europe. France certainly appears to be much more open to debate, original ideas, discussions, human agency, reason.
If Murray really believed that Europe belongs to the Europeans, why would he support the Conservative Party, the party that sends the greatest amount of immigrants to Britain than any other party? We're seeing the same scam as the Republicans are running in the US on large sections of their electorate. The Rothschild/Sassoon Conservative Party has no sympathies for the "native" British nations. Just the opposite, in actuality.
We see Murray writing here for various rags like the Telegraph that belongs to the Barclay barons who are world famous for tax evasion. That which has become a national sport in Britain, tax evasion. Ah yes, these sociopathic snobs; highly reclusive but there are some lovely pictures of them. They surely care so much about Britain that they don't even want to pay taxes to its people.
And then there's the obvious reason why Murray and PJW hate Muslims.
At this point, a Caliphate might actually be preferable. But I fear the future will be worse.
I agree that the aforementioned group of "influencers" aren't directly Anti-White in their rhetoric; which in the eyes of many is enough to kind of grasp a straw of hope. But in the long run many of their followers will become disillusioned, they'll grow up, they'll see through the con, they'll see through the useless grift.
Or maybe they won't. Maybe I'm underestimating the stupidity and the evil of the masses. These entertainers will
continue to "Trigger the Libs"; these merchants of sadism, wasn't Ben Shapiro the one who began selling "Liberal tears" mugs from early on? That's pretty much all they're going to give you and in exchange they'll take away everything you believe in.
That's an interesting question, why do they still allow PJW on YouTube? One consideration worth mentioning is that YouTube is extra careful when it comes to removing channels with large numbers of subscribers like Crowder and PJW because they're afraid they'll lose many viewers to rival platforms... (tbc)
I'm surprised people haven't assaulted Tucker Carlson already.
Americans are way too wealthy, decadent, spoiled with so much infinite Entertainment of infinite variety. It's impossible to change anything in society.
Like the wise saying goes, you can't have a revolution until you take people's PlayStations away. Oooh, the scary thought!
Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison on charges including campaign finance violations for his part in hush payments to McDougal and adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Trump allegedly walked into the Miss Teen USA dressing room. Yes, Teen.
Five former Miss Teen USA contestants have told BuzzFeed News that Trump walked into their dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing:
“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.
Trump, she recalled, said something like, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”
Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book
"After we received numerous death threats and my law firm's website and emails were hacked, she did not want to go forward," Bloom added.
Donald Trump has been making disturbing comments about young girls for years
You're a psycho. Go and find help.
I would punch Tucker Carlson in the face if I ever had the chance. Only one reason is because of how many people he has killed with all of his Covid-19 disinformation that he spread over the duration of this pandemic.
He can say whatever he wants, sure! Regardless of the negative social consequences, because he works for a ridiculous organization.
Lachlan Murdoch is a real piece of work, the son of his father's 2nd out of 4 marriages. Hint, hint. I'm sorry Lachlan, if I've hurt your feelings, but I wouldn't be saying such things if you weren't so dangerous to public health.
PJW and Douglas Murray aren't White nationalists. They're homosexual libertarian libertines.
Molyneux is an even more extreme form of libertarian. He's an An-Cap who hates minorities because they vote for the Democrats. He praises places like Poland because they're economically Right-wing but he might as well go live in Singapore.
All of them are useless grifters who have no real influence on the GOP.
The GOP has no interest in pursuing actual White nationalist policies. They have and will continue to bait voters based on identity angst and grievances but that's just to win extra votes.
The only reason why Trump was sent to become president was to defuse the whole issue; to be an absolute failure and such an outrageous fraud that he would demoralize all sane individuals who might've once had hope for America. There was never an opportunity with Trump for anything whatsoever because he was always a controlled opposition.
Kyle Rittenhouse is fat because he was born in privilege, because he's lazy, because he's a manbaby who was used to always having his way. He's hedonistic, masturbatory, typical White youth.
He's a sociopath, having no empathy or even basic understanding of other people's feelings and pain.
Kyle Rittenhouse was born in darkness, molded by it. His parents have obviously failed in raising him; being degenerate Gen-X-ers themselves.
Look at Kyle's various curly and spiky hairstyles; he has an absurdly overinflated opinion of himself while he just looks like a disgusting subhuman.
He played too much video games. But I hope they make sure he doesn't have that opportunity for a long time.
He went there to make a hero of himself even if it meant killing people. Because he doesn't care about people and he needs to learn his lesson in prison.
Nice cope. What are you, 5 years old? Such an imaginary documentary was never produced, never released, or even hinted about for years until Bannon got caught like a guilty lying child with his hand in the cookie jar. Why didn't he contact the police or the FBI or speak to the Media if he had evidence against Epstein? Because you're a moron and Bannon is a pathological liar.
Literally the opposite happened. Bannon was helping Epstein deceive the world that he's not a Mossad agent touching kids and compromising political leaders and American presidents. Bannon did everything in his power to help Epstein get out clean; they recorded 15 hours together! That sounds like efforts to save his own skin because Trump and Bannon had been taped having sex with children inside Epstein's Temple on Little Saint James island. You read that right.
Prince Andrew was probably just a decadent royal pervert who wanted in on the action. Doubt they learned much from him but who knows.
Now a few words from me. Bannon! BANNON! I would punch you in the face if you were here, you child abuser!
I've been listening to some episodes of your "War Room" podcast.
By the way, you have to record 3 shows per day everyday because you're insane and have no life... or was that part of the deal that Mossad gave you? So I hear that your co-host Boris Epshteyn (distant relative of Jeffrey Epstein, no doubt) is your handler. Ohhhhh, you contractually have to slave away all day and night to destroy America in order to fulfill your masters' requirements or otherwise they'll release the tapes of what Trump and YOU did to those little kids on Epstein's Pedo Island.
You pretend to be an American general but all you are is a wicked servant of Hell. You open your shows by supposedly acknowledging "Our Lord", yet here you are as nothing higher than a member of a child trafficking ring that's used to compromise and manipulate Western leaders and politics. There's nothing moral or spiritual about you and you know that. You're just a Goldman Sachs globalist banker. You're everything that you accuse others of being. You're such a damn shameless hypocrite that's obviously capable of anything imaginable.
It's impressive, you know. I never expected someone could sink this low and pathetic but you did it. You're right next to dinosaur bones. You're close to your father, the Devil.
The fact that millions still listen to your show is a testament to how far you've succeeded in destroying America. BUT.
You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
We're onto you, Bannon. We know what you are.
I sincerely hope they don't "suicide" you next. But any hopes of you redeeming yourself went out the window after this. They really found a great sociopathic psychopath traitor with you. Their psychological profiling is working very well.
Interesting, considering that his model didn't look all that impressive and wouldn't be superior to what we had by 1982.
If it's similar to those machines in Microsoft Flight Simulator X then I think I get the picture and he would require a lot of space to take off.
So he couldn't have escaped in the middle of the night unnoticed without them openning the gate again.
The scene gave me the impression that he could just take off from where it was like a chopper.
I suppose gyrocopters aren't that popular of a machine for the scriptwriters to fully understand.
I think a key difference is that The Rock isn't White. And neither is Vin Diesel. African-Americans are the only demographic of men that are still allowed to represent traditional and even aggressive masculinity in Media, Entertainment, Music. They need to exert strength to balance out "White supremacy".
In contrast, someone like John Cena, who is an equivalent WWE superstar, gets to portray a clownish character called the Peacemaker who is not only not taken seriously; he's a parody of masculinity combined with low intelligence, American right-wing libertarian values, and even turns out to be a villain himself. He even dresses like something resembling a baby.
I was thinking about how The Expendables franchise was struggling to break even, despite including the entirety of the traditional action stars, including Jason Statham. Even the latest Rambo movie managed to bomb.
While the very definition of profitable action oriented movies now are the Avengers series where Chris Evans gives up his shield and status as Captain America to African-American Anthony Mackie. Thor renounces his kingship, giving it to African-American female Valkyrie. Dr Strange is homosexual Benedict Cumberbatch (Alan Turing).
Especially symbolically important is how Chris Evans' only hope of being happy is by going back into the PAST because what he represents as traditional White Christian Americans have no future.
Jewish Tony Stark becomes the new saviour of the world and he basically replaces Jesus but that's another story.
So yeah, masculinity is not dead in popular culture. That's an overly simplistic way of describing what's happening. Right-Wing political commentators are not telling the entire story when they complain about so-called War on Men or attacks on masculinity. Profit margins and marketing don't tell the entire story either.
It's being selectively applied to different groups in a divide and conquer strategy. And that's for amateur Internet political analysts to decipherLOL
There are several layers to this answer. Basically, WB/DC are trying to accomplish what Disney tried (to mediocre degrees of success!) to accomplish with Star Wars. They know that the comicbook nerds, who are mostly male, are going to show up to a Batman movie no matter what. So they're trying to capture the Demographics where they are lacking.
Moviegoers tend to be younger than the general population. Have you seen how popular Justin Bieber and Twilight are among younger females? Very, very profitable. And they don't have any muscles at all. Just sparkles.
It's still a male-dominated culture and men decide what's attractive or not. There isn't even 1 major corporation that culturally matters or a Media company or a Music Record label company that is being run by a woman. Females go along for the ride. Styles change, remember how overweight women were considered attractive during the Renaissance? Things change.
Muscles used to be depicted as more attractive in the past because the industrial economy still relied heavily on physical labour. And also because there was still The Cold War and the demand was high for physically strong soldiers.
But later those industrial jobs got shipped to China (and note how China itself has declared a war on Beta males now) and the Cold War is long over.
The tech industry began to dominate and America is now pretty much ruled by a bunch of skinny nerds. Now muscles are associated with lower IQ and lower status loser Alt-Right types that lost their power in society. Wasting their time in gyms rather than reading and learning the new ways of the world.
A handsome face like Pattinson is an indicator of better genetics, health, longevity of life, intelligence, social status.
Maybe women in West Virginia still like men like their coal miners but archetypes like Justin Bieber are what brings money now.
For the same reason that they cast the new lead in the latest Dune movie. The twinkization of movies.
Females have more money than ever before and corporations are trying to capitalize on that market, as well as the Boomer Pedo market who have even more money through life savings. As well as the LGBT market who are ultra-consumerists and have a lot of money because they don't have children, they are manchildren themselves.
Nostalgia Critic said that the new Batman movie looks like Nolan's Batman films. Andre is soo mad!
Andre hates Pattinson because he's too YOUNG to be his daddy figure - Batman!
Andre also hates the movie because there's no Robin in it - who is a stand-in for himself. There's only Catwoman and Andre probably associates her with his father (Batman) running off with another woman to leave his family. lol
Andre is a lonely individual with daddy issues that he copes with by using comic book movies. He's the never growing up manchild that desperately needs daddy Batman in his life.
Affleck and Johns finished the first draft for The Batman in March 2016. Johns hinted that the film would explore the death of Robin, which was suggested in Batman v Superman.
For Andre, Robin being dead is like himself being dead! He really has no life outside of comics... for real! It's amazing, what a peculiar specimen. Full on 100% small souled consumerist bugman.