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dnewhous's Replies
Plotwise the only comparison is Dracula 1972, which features Saruman v Sherlock Holmes. The Hound of the Baskervilles with Peter Cushing is the definitive Sherlock Holmes movie. Saruman was in a lot of Dracula movies. This one is obviously supposed to be "hip." Sherlock Holmes does use a "silver knife" on Dracula at the end. That is a Castlevania weapon. The first film in the series, the Horror of Dracula, has a big crucifix in it, so it is a little bit like the movie I am looking for. K, I found it. Dracula has Risen from the Grave. Middle of the Sherlock Holmes series of vampire movies. Death by crucifix impalement. The heroine is blond. I think there is confusion in the titles because of Bram Stoker's Dracula, which, if anything, is the "Dracula" by being faithful to the source material. There is a scene in the beginning with a bloody rope that is an allusion to The Speckled Banner. Darth Saruman went on to be the voice actor for King Haggard in the Last Unicorn.
posted 4 years ago in Cult Films