MovieChat Forums > ZombieSushi386
ZombieSushi386 (5)
I couldn't agree more! This was an excellent sequel and it has alot more to it than meets the eye. Freddy is truly sinister, and the massacre at the pool party is one of the only times in the series where you see Freddy killing in the real world.
I can honestly say that this is probably favorite out of the series, maybe just a smidgen more than the original.
It's funny that you mention that Freddy is almost "haunting" Jesse because some of the shots where the camera is just moving around the empty house really remind me of Amityville Horror, although the possession plot line is closer to Amityville 2.
If you know where to look you can find a "workprint composite" that reinserts all of the gore scenes combined with the dvd version of the film. If you don't mind the jumps in quality when it switches from workprint footage to dvd and bits of missing audio here (sound effects and score, dialogue remains intact) and there it really is the best way to experience this movie.
The problem with this statement is that during the scene in question he was obviously not erect in any way. He clearly had no idea what to do in the situation and was clueless about how to properly initiate sex but even a kindergartner understands that it is wrong to touch someone without their permission.
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