MovieChat Forums > sunezno > Replies
sunezno's Replies
She was an absolute monster, just like the rest of her film crew, and they deserved a hell of a lot worse than what they got.
I was just about to ask this but saw your comment -- my friend and I just watched it tonight, and that was our impression, that the film crew had impaled the native woman after raping her, but were just pretending that it had been done by the tribe.
Also, the woman toward the beginning who was raped and killed and put onto the boat: I noticed that she appeared white, so we just assumed that it was the girl from the film crew. But then after seeing her death on the found footage, I'm now confused as to whom the first girl was. Any chance you're able to clarify that?
Also, I hated that the turtle kept moving around for so long into the butchering process :(
Personally, I think the rescue crew was the best out of everyone (mainly the anthropology professor, who seemed to be the only non-native with any empathy).
The native tribe (who weren't necessarily cannibals, if I recall correctly; I think it was said that they only do it occasionally as a special ritual) were the good guys, in that they were brutally victimized by the camera crew savages and only retaliated as anyone understandably would.
But I'm not condoning the raping they did at the beginning. However, clearly their culture is different, and apparently it's a normal thing for them to bury babies and club the mom to death, so it's hard to really judge the morality of all of that stuff from such a different perspective.
Lastly, I think the original camera crew were the only savages in that rainforest. They brutally raped, tortured, and murdered the native people just for pure enjoyment. They saw them as subhuman, and they took sadistic pleasure in burning men, women, and children alive just for kicks.
Well, for monetary profit as well as kicks, because they were going to edit the film to make it look like the other tribe had done these things and these guys are just the beloved camera crew drawing attention to the horrors for the benefit of mankind.
The camera crew were absolute monsters, and I only wish that they'd been put through worse.
I assumed the "real" cannibals were the other tribe (forget their name right now), who the white crew scared off with gunshots when there was about to be a battle between tribes.
This movie is an absolute dumpster fire in terms of stupidity and nonsense. I wondered the same thing about the lady somehow falling first, but my friend and I had to just chalk it up to her apparent supernatural abilities, like when she grabbed Justin Long and jumped backward up out of the cage thing with him.
But just about everything in this movie either made no sense or was flat-out inexplicable.
Any updates?
When Harry tells the kids that they're going to make it out alive and go deep-sea fishing, I was like, "Aw shit, that's where they collide with the <I>Jaws>/I> universe..."
But seriously, after surviving a volcano eruption, I would <I>not</I> want to tempt fate again with Mother Nature like that.
I used to love this movie back when I first saw it in the early 2000s, when I was in middle school. I don't think I'd watched it since then (yikes, 20 years??) but I finally rewatched it tonight, and <I>holy shit, these effects are absolutely incredible</I>!! Especially compared to the bullshit CGI we see too much of.
I remember thinking the same thing when I rewatched "Titanic" a year or two ago. Whatever they were doing in the mid-to-late '90s with effects was <I>working</I>!!
There was less lava in the movie than I remembered or was anticipating, but man, it's still such a great movie.
Thank you!! I was baffled that none of the other comments mentioned this.
<B>Like, hey, OP, watch "Home Alone" and get your head out of your ass. Pfft.</b>
(But seriously, boobytraps or a gun would be my suggestion.)
<I>(Disclaimer: Please don't actually utilize any of the boobytraps portrayed in "Home Alone", because many of them would actually kill a person.)</I>
Exactly!! 😂
Yeah, to me, that was either not believable or he was just a really shitty partner lol
(I say that because some people <I>are</I> that inconsiderate, in which case she needs to find someone better.)
Is that why the husband did absolutely nothing to protect his family, because we expect him to?
And why they didn't arm themselves after the bad guys left, because we expect that they would?
The boy did run up the stairs, though, which we definitely all expected.
Alaska here, and my thoughts exactly lol There should've been guns stashed throughout the house, too. So when she was tied up on the couch, she could've reached into the cushions and grabbed one.
But it shouldn't have even gotten to that point in the first place.
I just watched it last night, and I had mixed emotions about it. It certainly didn't grip me like I was hoping it would, and I spent way too much time cursing out the characters for being idiots lol
But, like with just about every thriller/suspense/horror movie, if the protagonist had a gun, the movie would be over before it started.
But I digress.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who was annoyed at how impossibly long it took her to get up from the floor. She made it wayyyy harder than it needed to be lol
Then there's this discussion of what the parents did after the bad guys left and the kid was dead.
They say that the bad guys could be back any minute (which is why she turned off the TV, btw, to listen for their car leaving), and yet once they hobble to the kitchen, they BOTH turn their backs to the front door, and neither even attempts to arm themselves with, ya know, a fucking golf club or knife or meat tenderizer or literally anything at all.
That was one of the many things that I found impossible to believe.
And I wish they'd used someone besides Tim Roth. I was initially assuming we'd get some kind of performance from him, but he had so few lines, save for things like, "Clearly I'm a shit parent and husband who doesn't care to protect my family, so go on, bad guys, have at it!" And, "Sorry, wife, for exploiting you and getting our son killed. Please forgive me."
The only reason I'm giving that a <I>slight</I> pass is because I can only assume that the original movie had that storyline.
The kid was the only one that had any balls at all! He ran upstairs, yes, but he then climbed down the lattice, got to the neighbor's house, and eventually pulled the trigger on the sadly empty gun.
His parents were just wastes of space.
However, I'm also assuming that the parents are the type that have (for some reason) had their heads in the sand as if bad things could never happen to them.
Still, that's no excuse for not protecting your family.
I know this is super late, but ughh that line just reinforces how childish that child is lol Would've been kinda funny if she <i>wasn't</i> pregnant and they realize they killed off their sperm donor too soon.
<blockquote>How would you interpret the meaning of the film?</blockquote>
I'm too tired to delve into this one tonight, but I do believe that it's open to interpretation.
<blockquote>A lot of people say that Christian deserved what he got? Do you think so?</blockquote>
Personally, I could tell that Christian wasn't right for Dani from the first few lines of conversation they had on the phone at the beginning. Then the more we saw of him, the worse my opinion of him got. At best, Christian and Dani just weren't good for each other, through no fault of anyone's. But then we see him for the real shitbag that he is: he lies, he manipulates, he gaslights, he stabs his friends in the back...he is just incredibly narcissistic and shallow.
Some people have argued that, regarding the thing with Maya, Christian was "drugged and raped," and I have to call bullshit on both counts.
He was into the <i>15-year-old</i> from the time she playfully kicked him just after they got there, and he was remarkably shameless about his interest in her after that. During the conversation with the elder lady wherein she told him that he had a one-night-only chance to sleep with Maya, instead of instantly responding with, "What the hell, she's FIFTEEN!", he just hemmed and hawed about it for a while (or maybe he'd told the lady he'd do it and was then psyching himself up for it, who knows).
Then when he was handed a cup of tea, and he asked what it would do, he was told that it would lower his inhibitions or something. He then kept the cup, and instead of pouring it into the grass or something, he drank it. He seemed to realize that if he drank the tea, he could use it as an excuse for his actions, theoretically, because taking the virginity of a 15-year-old while sober would be hard for him to justify (to himself or others).
Having said that, no, I don't think that his being a slimy waste of hair makes him deserving of that fate. But of the people there, and with Mark already dead, why not.
<blockquote>What were they drinking at the dinner table? Were they drinking mushroom tea the entire time?</blockquote>
I don't think that they were drinking mushroom tea each time, simply because of the way that mushrooms work in the body. Someone smarter than I can explain the chemical happenings, but the point is, the tea wouldn't have had the same hallucinogenic effects if they had ingested it that frequently.
<blockquote>What do you think the significance was of Christian having sex with Maya? Besides sexual attraction of course. Why was it so important to the community?</blockquote>
As others have said, it was for reproductive purposes.
Though I found it weird that they only had them copulate once before they killed him off. Despite Maya saying, "I can feel the baby" after he ejaculates inside her, the chances of her being pregnant from that one shot aren't high enough to risk it, I wouldn't think. Even if she <i>did</i> get pregnant from that one coupling, it doesn't make sense for them to get rid of Christian after only making one offspring.
<blockquote>What do you think happened to Dani after all her friends were sacrificed? Did she stay with the cult or leave? I know this is purely a hypothetical question.</blockquote>
I assume that she stayed with them. She had nothing left back home, and though her time with this community was short and full of death, I think she finally felt at home, like she had a family to help her grieve the loss of her own, and the loss of her former life.
Now, whether or not that's a good thing is debatable. But what better place to develop Stockholm syndrome, right?
(to be continued...)
No one in their lives has any idea where exactly they are, though, just that they were going to Sweden. Pelle mentioned how secretive the group is, and that if Josh and/or Christian wrote about their practices, they could never use any real names or locations, because privacy is sacred to this group. They're a four-hour drive from the airport (which no one seemed to tell anyone back home), plus however far off the beaten path on-foot... I can't imagine their phones worked there, either.
<blockquote>All of them were teeribly isolated, manipulated, and drugged by murdering cultists</blockquote>
But they weren't, though. They weren't even there for the full nine days, so a few days on vacation doesn't make them "isolated." They really weren't manipulated by anyone, either... And certainly no one was "drugged" by any means. Drugs were provided, and they all happily imbibed, but no one was ever slipped anything or led to believe they were taking something they weren't. (The only exception is Christian's "love-spell" thing, but pubes and period blood aren't drugs.)
Damn, the blood eagle was really pretty, but this scene would've been cool to watch, too. And with the next part where Josh's body was hanging upside-down-- just reading that part made me wince, but watching it would've been intense!!
As someone who knows nothing about screenplays/scripts, why do they have random words in all caps like that? It makes it incredibly awkward/difficult to read...