MovieChat Forums > Chris822cats
Chris822cats (395)
Is Best of the Best in the same universe as Gladiator?
What kind of Mac and Cheese guy was Daniel?
If your daughter brought home Daniel...
Mr. Miyagi's past (spoilers)
Where to go after season 6 episode 10. Predictions (Spoilers)
Daniel had the best car. Credit where Credit is Due.
Was Johnny Tran too hard on Jesse?
Captain Kirk was only doing his duty
Was Ron Miller a good guy who snapped?
Who is more honorable and why? Daniel or Ron Miller from Robocop.
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Maybe, but I think Miyagi being gone allows Daniel to slowly realize Johnny was right all along.
That course of action may have been more successful for Khan's goals.
Could a person check themselves into a mental illness asylum so that they could avoid working a job their life?
I suppose if they were a good enough actor and could fool mental health professionals who have ways to screen out people, sure. However, should they change their mind, it will be tough convincing others they are not simply having delusions about themselves.
If a person could check themselves into an asylum then they would not have to work and would get a free bed and free food for the rest of their life, wouldn't they?
If that person also had zero ambitions. If that person had no desire to experience as much as life has to offer as possible. If that person never wants to eat delicious food ever again. I mean, that is a lot someone has to be willing to give up for a "free bed and free food". I wouldn't call it "free". The price is the cost of freedom.
Is this the reason why Insane asylums were shut down back in the 1970s?
Lack of funding mixed with the public seeing them as brutal relics of the past. The general public was ok with dumping lots of people who needed help back on the streets. A lot of it gets blamed on Ronald Reagan, however, no political opponents have since undone that.
Ron was the city official who got screwed out his job with a questionable election. Robocop punched him out of a window. We never saw whether he survived the fall, or if his concerns turned out to be true.
Also, given how corruption was rampant throughout the entire city government, it might be fair to say that Ron Miller was an upstanding official who simply couldn't take the corruption anymore. In hindsight, he was probably a good man who was pushed to the breaking point by a system that didn't care. Had Daniel been in Ron Miller's shoes, Daniel would have toed the corruption line for sure.
Hadley was probably the biggest reason Shawshank was a relatively safe prison. There were no prison riots, no gang wars, most of the inmates lived in relative harmony. Once Hadley was made away of Andy's bullies, that was taken care of toot sweet.
He should be forced to work as Barnes' butler until the interest is paid off. Furthermore, since the name Cobra Kai is up for grabs it should be taken from Stingray and awarded to its most current rightful Champion. Since Barnes already has been working with the Miyagi Do students there is no need for him to find a new dojo and new students. Therefore, the name of Miyagi Do will legally be changed to Cobra Kai, where Daniel will be under court order to teach the way of the fist.
I'm sure he could pull it off with the help of a vocal coach.
What about compared with Hamidou from Midnight Express?
I haven't heard anything. In 2029 the 1933 version of King Kong goes into public domain. Toho should redo their version of King Kong vs Godzilla. They won't need permission at that point either.
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