tinyrogerebert's Replies

<blockquote> again, when and where?</blockquote> Research the countries with highest rates of LGBTQ killings. You need to do your own research, I’m not doing it for you. <blockquote> it does not advocate it</blockquote> Wrong again. It’s called Leviticus 20:13. Try reading <blockquote> Research them and prove that those sharia laws are not "actual".</blockquote> I already have. You need to do your own research and not read propaganda sites. Do you not understand basic geography? Rohan is 3000 miles away from Gondor. Even if he did shoot it into the sky it’s PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEODEN TO SEE IT. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. I never said Gandalf couldn’t use magic, that was more your own illiteracy. Also that’s not what a strawman is. Just admit you lost. You’re claiming a strawman where there wasn’t one. That is deflection. You stopped arguing the point long ago. Why don’t you get back on topic instead of veering off into a tangent. You can’t even explain where the “strawman” was. You obviously have no clue what it means. Hillary lost because her campaign sucked and she just sat on her ass and did nothing, bottom line. She lost to the most historically unpopular candidate in US history. She only has herself to blame. You sound like a r-tarded militant atheist. Probably a communist. <blockquote> When and where? I'm not aware of such atrocities in 2020.</blockquote> Happens all over the world, every single day. You need to get out more. <blockquote> Even if that is the case, it is against their faith/religion</blockquote> The Bible advocates killing gays. The Quran does not. That website you posted is a r-tarded propaganda site with no actual primary evidence. Pure garbage