Corneileous's Replies

I’ve yet to see any real truth out of you. But OK, if you’re not a paranoid chickenshit or just scared in anyway, shape or form then why are you pushing for so much gun control? Why are you wanting the government to do something about people getting killed? You would think that if you’re not scared or in fear of any way that you just wouldn’t care about people who get shot. What are you even talking about? The second amendment still protects our rights to own and bear arms just like how the first amendment allows you free speech to the government just like how the fourth amendment protects your rights against unlawful search and seizure. No, you don’t get it. If I didn’t have it, then I would be paranoid or scared but see that’s what your beetle headed little brain is telling you to think that just because I have it, I must be scared of something. It does no good to link that waste of space thread that’s all it does is prove your stupidity and your issue with having your head in the sand. But again, why do you keep calling us paranoid, coward, and chickenshit? What, do you expect us to take on all these shooters with our bare hands?… Lol. And how are you part of the solution? Restricting gun owners is not part of the solution. We already have many restrictions in place but yet people still keep getting killed. Imagine that. And another thing on this chickenshit comment you made, how can you call us all that when you’re obviously the one who’s paranoid, at least, because why else would you be pushing for all this extra regulation, restriction, and gun laws that restrict gun ownership? If anybody’s afraid, it would be you. Did you ever hear the joke about the little old lady that got pulled over? In case you haven’t here’s the joke; this little old lady gets pulled over and as she hands the cop her drivers license and her insurance, she also hands over her carry permit and something about the cop just wanted to ask her, so he asked her if she had any weapons in the car. She responded by saying she had a gun in her purse, a gun in her center console and a gun in the glove box. The cop asked, gee lady, what in the hell are you so afraid of? She responded with a confident grin, not a damn thing. Again, you’re wrong.WE are the people when it talks about we the people. Practically all the other amendments say the same thing and no, they’re not, ensuring the government has the right to have arms, speak out, and all the other stuff so again, stop spreading bullshit about your entirely incorrect perception of the second amendment. Wow. You must have a couple screws loose up in that head of yours or have some wires shorting out or something because I don’t see how anything he said would make him not trustworthy enough to own a gun. And another myth you keep slapping out there is that we’re paranoid. The only ones paranoid is you which is why you’re pushing for all these gun laws, regulations and restrictions. Why in the hell would you dare call us paranoid when most of us don’t leave the house without a loaded gun? I’m not paranoid. I’m not scared yet you for some reason think I am. And your solution to that is garbage which, I already told you that in a different post. My opinion of what needs to be done is remove all these stupid regulations, restrictions, and gun laws that restrict the good people. Get rid of these damn gun free zones including schools so that there can be more good guns there to defend against the bad ones because when you support all these restrictions, regulations and laws concerning gun ownership, all you’re doing is making it easier for the bad person to do their crime. For the life of me, I really just cannot understand why you people don’t see that and why all you see is, let’s just get rid of the guns and make it hard to get one, like that’s going to do any good. When are you people gonna learn, criminals and bad people do not follow the law! Another fun fact; probably every one of these schools in the last 20 years that’s had somebody come in there with a gun and start shooting people, HAVE ALL BEEN GUN FREE ZONES. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. IF CRIMINALS FOLLOWED LAWS LIKE YOU SO STUPIDLY THINK THEY WILL, YOU WOULD THINK WE WOULDN’T HAVE ANY SCHOOL SHOOTINGS BECAUSE IN SCHOOLS, GUNS ARENT ALLOWED!! Excellent post Craig! None of us have that mentality of pouring gas on a fire in hopes to put it out, but… There is the tactic of fighting fire with fire. Two completely different things from what you’re talking about. Well, yeah. If more teachers and staff were armed in schools, maybe all these people that go to schools to kill people would probably be a little less inclined to go in there and start shooting people. Rumor has it that the Nashville shooter was gonna go to another school but since they had a sign up that said they had armed staff, the shooter chose the one that didn’t have that. Funny how that works, huh? So the police, military and National Guard throughout the US has no part of this whatsoever, only legal gun owners? Come on man, give me a break. But even if you stop all gun manufacturing, there’s still over 400 million gun owners in this country with probably twice or three times that in the amount of guns so who gives a shit about the gun manufacturers making more? I really do not understand your thought process and it’s almost to the point that the only way I will have a chance is if I could stick my head up my own ass which I can’t. It’s also funny how you automatically assume that every legal gun owner is going to wind up as the victim of gun theft. But you know, I know it happens, you know it happens but no matter what restriction or regulation you put against the storage of guns, you’re never ever ever ever ever ever ever going to be able to enforce that. After all that I said, that’s all you could muster up? No, I don’t even know what film boards is. But man, talk about the king of deflection. So what if that was 6 or 7 years ago. Last October in Thailand, a crazy ex cop killed 34 people including 23 children at a daycare and then went home, killed his wife and kid before killing himself with both a knife and a 9 mm pistol. That… is a mass killing. What we had happen in Nashville was not a mass killing. The only reason why it seems like this is on the rise here is because, like I told you a long time ago, what was considered a mass killing years and years ago is not the same anymore. How is he being silly? That’s a valid point. The only reason you’re calling him silly is because you’re only focusing on one weapon. Thats just it Warren, no matter what we do- no matter what laws we pass, no matter what restrictions and regulations we put into place, you are never..... let me repeat that.....YOU ARE N-E-V-E-R going to keep guns out of the wrong hands. It's just that simple. Criminals, bad people and virtually anybody with no regard to human life or the law will not give in to that. This shit gets proven every single time we have a shooting somewhere. You're never gong to get rid of the guns. This is why gun laws, gun regulation and gun restriction will never work. This is also why you cannot compare us to other countries. Those countries never had the guns to begin with. They never really had rights to guns either. I cannot make it any clearer than that. But ok, lets analyze your psych evaluation idea... This is already flawed from the start. Why? Because how can we trust the specific evaluator to be fair and reasonable? What if the evaluator is some gun-hating liberal who doesn't want anybody to have guns? This is very likely because look at New York and California for example. Some of the states that still require a permission-slip(carry permit) to carry or own a firearm are what they call a "may-issue" state which, what that means is, you have to have a good enough reason for them to issue you a permit. In other words, If they dont believe your reason for applying for a permit is good enough, guess what.... <I>you dont get one.</I> It has nothing to do with feeling like we are sane enough to own one. This is also why red flag laws will never work as well. Love guns- yes, hate children- well, I wouldn’t necessarily go so far as to say I hated kids but im certainly not fond of a lot them, I guess…. But it’s not the same kinda dislike you’re thinking about, that’s fueled from my love of guns. I know plenty of people who love both very very much. But so does this trans kid who did the latest shooting. Mental health is the problem, not guns but sure, let’s just keep right on supporting gender dysfunction/dysphoria. Egh, he's just still desperately trying hard to push that anti-gun bullshit as usual trying to make it sound like guns are the problem. I don't think Id call that a mass murder, man but why the hate? Ive already told you guns and our gun rights aint to blame so relax. Yeah, according to New York’s bullshit and rights-infringing may issue permit law where they can restrict your rights if the reason you wish to carry doesn’t satisfy them. Hell, the dude told them he’d been mugged several other times and they still denied him his legal rights to carry. As far as I’m concerned, he didn’t break any law because the state of New York violated his constitutional rights so screw New York. Your answer of illegally carrying a gun is invalid. <I>Allow???</I>… I highly doubt anybody allows their guns, or anything for that matter to be stolen but ok, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of anyone calling for the prosecution of someone victim of theft but sure, let’s not focus our energy on the thief, let’s do it the lefty democrat way and condemn the victim.