KingJohn's Replies

There's "Historical Accuracy" and then there's making heroes out of people who enslaved and sold their own kind. I'd say that point is worth bringing up🤷🏽‍♂️ Because who's even the audience for this? Of course critics were gonna love it, but nobody was gonna pay to go see it. Did yall settles yall's differences by having wrestling matches in public places? That would be the same logic here. You think an entire town having a multi years long karate feud is realistic? Congrats, how much of the revenue did you get? This but unironically I was told only white people were slave traders.🤔 nope, really curious if it will be touched upon. yeah but nobody is gonna fall for your "trap" if you make it too obvious. The guy has a regular beard and is married with children, your obvious bait doesn't even make sense enough to anger people. next time you try to troll bait, make it a bit more subtle. Didn't he then immediately throw another boulder into the stratosphere? Why would anybody be mad? Ragnarok was the perfect balance of humor and seriousness. Love and Thunder goes way over the edge and is just dumb in many spots. Nah, you forgot Eternals, Black Widow, and Captain Marvel exist. Talked about a privileged notion. There are definitely areas in the US where you have to worry about your home being broken into, those areas are predominantly underprivileged areas inhabited by minorities. You're now in favor of PoC not being able to defend themselves? Dude, I'm Mexican, relax. It was a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard. I think it was implied that Wanda "tapped into" different multiverses when she created her reality in WandaVision. The kids she made there were based off her dreams of her life as a mother. In MoM it was explained that some dreams are actually glimpses of alternate realities like Dr. Strange's at the beginning of the movie. It's shown Wanda having dreams of tucking in her kids before bed, which is actually her viewing an alternate reality of herself, and she based her kids in WandaVision off those kids, hence why they look the same. Was hoping for Tom Cruise Iron Man cameo Whoever told you that lied Do you think the people who are trying to see pre-teen girls dance in a suggestive manner give a fuck about the plot of the film? You don't need a movie to tell me 11 eleven year old girls being sexualized is bad, only thing this movie does is provide material for people who are into that to watch. The movie is rated MA in the US so it's aimed at adults, the people who the message is supposedly for isn't even the target audience. What about this? Is this not sexualizing 11 year olds?