Mensa1856's Replies

Um, I voted for him and I never attended a rally. You are a special breed of idiot. It took me a while for Kurtwood Smith. He was so brutal in Robocop that I had a hard time seeing him in lighter roles. I knew a big time John Wayne fan who absolutely hated Bruce Dern because he killed him in a movie. I can't see Dylan Baker in anything anymore without seeing him as a pedophile. None of that is evidence. You must be retarded. Why isn't a piece of shit like this banned from the site? He brings nothing constructive to the table. He's better off on Newsmax or some other bullshit right wing sites. Because they are unwarranted, asshole. Right. They can fool all of the country's intelligence agencies, but they can't pull a fast one from you because you're a fucking genius. Get real, asshole. As of right now, Biden has 4 million more votes than Trump and that number will only increase. Are you saying they're all fake? My vote wasn't. The best line bar none: "It's about time this town got a whiff of Butts." I wonder if COVID has killed you. Hope so. Fuck you. Looked at some of your posts. You're a sad little boy. This is the wrong question ever since Reagan posed it. It plays to the selfishness of people, particularly the right wing. The real question to ask is "Is the country better off now than it was four years ago?" 1. Young Guns 2. Young Guns II 3. Posse It's spelled leech. I don't understand the people who keep saying Trump is going to win. Do they not understand how math works? Trump has not picked up any independents, nor anyone who voted D in the last election. He will not get pluralities of women, people of color, the college educated, and the blue collars and farmers who realized they were screwed over. His base is dying off. There's not enough fat, uneducated, impotent, scared-of-their shadow, incels to get him re-elected. Ledger was bad. Grabbing a champagne glass, throwing the liquid over your shoulder, and putting the glass back doesn't make you look crazy or dangerous. It makes you look like someone trying too hard to act strange. And "you remind me of my father. I hated my father" isn't clever at all. It's actually pretty corny. It's usually the Republicans who say using a nuclear bomb to end the war was morally right. Are you now saying it wasn't? So sick of the Democrat/KKK stuff. As if things don't change. Where are the racists now? Do you think today's KKK are a bunch of Hillary supporters? dffdf Probably Kevin Spacey.