Topcat81's Replies

immattj is a pedophile. It's ok. They want to call supposedly "racist" white women Karen, we'll just call them Brandon. I would think that in being president, shitting your pants would be one thing you would not want to do. But these silly democrats are fascinated with poop. Not to mention he was a pedophile and occultist. Brian Lee was the Fake Undertaker. Wow degray9, you must really love pedophiles. Did Rosey Bum give you a happy ending or was it the other way around, sweetie? Two less pedos on the street thanks to kyle. I guess you enjoy older men having sex with little kids you sick freak. I'm laughing. You nasty whore you. Bloodshot, I can only imagine whose bodily fluids you're drinking. Probably from a trick named Jim. If you peed on my mom's face, she'd have aids right now. Meaning: You have Aids. Better to be a republican boomer than some libtard asswipe democrap. Why would the trial be rigged? If elections arent rigged, according to democraps, why would this trial be? immattj do you pee sitting down? Typical leftist soyboy, you'll can dish it out but you'll cant take it. I hope to God kyle gets off because I want to see you antifa creeps just try to riot over the verdict. They have a term for people like you- Neurotic. You see racism everywhere, almost like it's the boogie man. But the sad truth is it's all in your head. I have to ask- were you touched in your no no spot when you were little? Are you closeted? It's ok sweetie. You can tell us, Millsey. I thought leftists loved satanists. You're an idiot, millsey It's a shame that a beautiful woman like kim wasted so many years being married to a pos like baldwin. He is the true douchebag, not the dead woman. Hey look another commie meathead that advocates rioting and burning down cities because you do get your way boo hoo hoo... Go awy loser and flush yourself down a toilet. Very funny. Actually it was scary experience. I always look both ways using a crosswalk. In 2009, a car actually tried to hit me while I was walking on the crosswalk.