Nightwatch83's Replies

I don’t think he was thinking too clearly. I’m not sure they’re scared of the birds.. the birds didn’t seem to stop them going near the blind school, they were just a tool to alert people that they were nearby. The bit that annoyed me the most was just bumping into her midwife in the sanctuary... they have travelled 2 days downriver into the middle of nowhere and bump into someone they know? It didn’t add anything to the story, it was just really annoying. There was nothing to suggest that what was going on was a virus.. people didn’t seem to ‘catch’ it from one another. I thought she didn’t name the children because she was traumatised and wasn’t sure they would survive... she gave them names once she knew they were safe. I don’t think she was autistic, she just hadn’t been brought up in a loving home and didn’t know how to be loving to a baby (or at least she thought she didn’t). Gary did that because he didn’t want the birds to alert the others. Not because he was scared of them.