MovieChat Forums > Connie93 > Replies
Connie93's Replies
facts don't lie; people do.
If Reagan was so bad, how come he was re-elected with a 49 out of 50 state victory?
How come his Vice President, Bush, won 40 out of 50 states in 1988?
The American people loved Reagan and his policies and didn't wish to see them end.
He would have won a third term in a landslide if the constitutional prohibition hadn't prevented him from doing so!
bumping a post that's been here for 5 years
you're sad.
Real family income WENT UP under Reagan.
The 1980s saw the BIGGEST PEACETIME BOOM IN US HISTORY; hardly a 'weak decade'.
You libtards are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
they sell coffee; do you always have yours with a cup?
they would call you a pansy back in 92! and everyone would have gotten it!
I always thought he looked a little out of place in goodfellas!
The air traffic controllers should have heeded Reagan's warning and returned to work; they fired themselves.
Reagan saved the middle class which saw rising incomes and a higher standard of living. It did shrink in the 1980s. That's true. But that's because they moved up into the upper class!
Reagan lowered taxes across the board, and actually increased taxes on the rich. They paid a higher share of the tax burden under him than Carter; and let's not forget, his Tax Reform Act was bi-partisan.
Reagan supported freedom fighters in Central America; had he not, they would have consolidated a Cuban style totalitarian dictatorship there. Thanks to Reagan, they live today in freedom.
And while there were a lot of people who worked for him indicted, they were nearly all cleared; it was a political witch hunt.
The national debt went up under Reagan...and continued to go up under his successors. He was the one calling for line item veto and a balanced budget ammendment. The Dems didn't give him that. The national debt in 1989 stood at less than 3 trillion dollars; today its ten times that much.
Reagan was not a 'corporate whore' he made corporations pay taxes, many for the first time, by closing their loopholes. He was a true patriot, who believed in his nation and its people. He made people feel good again. He was always a gentlemen.
would the VCR have taken off if people weren't buying it for porn?
and I'm saying that this new technology isn't as great as it's cracked up to be; life was better with less of it.
live video face communications are usually not a pleasant experience
streaming is ok, but less choice; hence the cancellation rate of netflix
and people don't use their phones to access all the planet's knowledge: they use it to watch tiktok or snapchat.
he won't be there the whole time
he won't be there the whole time
this is a great channel to watch if you want to know what life is like in Russia, hosted by a Russian; he shows how sad things have become since the invasion; empty shops, his last McDonalds meal etc. Also has a video about how he sees Russian history from 1991 to today:
yeah, the internet killed the video industry
I still miss the feeling of visiting a video store and browsing the titles for 25 minutes or so.
Kids these days will never know how much fun that was.
Reagan is my fav; but Nixon is up there too!
draw your own conclusions mate
Ronald Reagan did all that.
In the 60s and 70s patriotism was on the nose.
Vietnam and Watergate did that.
And Jimmy Carter certainly didn't make people feel good about themselves or their country.
But Reagan was the most patriotic President in living memory.
He stood strong and tall, and promised that the best days were ahead.
He made people reach for their best.
And Reagan ended the sense of weakness; he rebuilt the military and stood tall against the Soviets.
All that had a flow on effect. The economy boomed. And the military were proud again to wear the uniform.
So I don't think a movie is going to change the current situation.
The first Top Gun was a reflection of Reagan's America.
You live in Biden's America. Which blows.