MovieChat Forums > FCN36 > Replies
FCN36's Replies
fuck off loser basement dweller X- )
The movie doesn't look remotely dumb and it will absolutely drive more teenagers/young adults to the Halloween franchise which they wouldn't have been fans of before this new film.
LOL you're so f'n dumb it's not even funny, loser crybaby.
The entire point of the original opening is to show Michael's origin, THAT'S IT. Hence why he then escapes years later and targets THREE girls who all LOOK LIKE his older sister, that's why he tries to kill Laurie JUST like he tries to kill her two friends, he's not singling her out specifically or trying to reunite with her, he's trying to kill ALL OF THEM.
ACTUAL facts for a change. You're welcome, dumbass ; )
Your opinion is laughably wrong, crybaby dumbass
WRONG and laughably wrong again. Carpenter read the script, approved the script and was ON SET consulting and advising during the entire production. All Cameron did for Genisys was publicly say "the new one's cool, go see it"
Get a clue
.... STFU you pathetic, moron troll
The sequel was godawful and he gets blown up and melted at the end, dumbass. It's really not rocket science why it was (thankfully) thrown out with the rest of the trash.
P.S. i'll be sending some random guy to your house tomorrow night to murder your family and then try to kill you straight after. Let me know in 40 years how you're totally over it because it "wasn't that big a deal"
SMDH f'n moron
He gets BURNED ALIVE at the end of 2 you complete and utter moron. Go "write from there" for a character who's supposed to be HUMAN in the 78 original.
Oh FUCK OFF already you pathetic crybaby DUNCE
Except the 1981 Halloween 2 ALREADY SUCKED, doofus troll.
It's a pathetic, B-movie borefest that completely craps all over the incredible original with beyond worthless doctor and nurse characters, terrible kills, a godawful Michael Myers actor who now walks in cheesy robot-mode, and the worlds most laughably empty hospital.
Meanwhile the new movie IS ALREADY the single best Halloween sequel of all time just by the trailer ALONE. Not to mention the painfully obvious fact that it's going to be even better than the original in countless ways thanks to the increased budget/learning from 40 years of mistakes from complete shitfests like the original H2.
Actual facts for a change. You're welcome X- )
A. it's included in the movie to tell THE AUDIENCE that they're no longer brother and sister, which is smart considering they've been doing the "Michael only goes after his family" storyline since 1988 and a ton of people who have seen any of those movies would still be thinking that's the case yet again in this new film unless it was specifically told to them that it's not.
B. The storyline reason given is that their family connection is simply a typical schoolyard rumor that spread trying to make the story sound more creepy, which makes perfect sense and is an easy way to get rid of it in the canon of the new movies. The end.
I don't know why you're acting like this is the first time they've retconned films in this franchise and this is now the first time the silly "and it was all a dream" cop-out excuse is's not.
H4 already retconned the ending of H2, H6 basically retconned most of H4 + H5, H20 retconned ALL of H4, H5 + H6, and even Resurrection retconned the ending of H20!
We don't need the dream excuse, this is just yet another fork in the road story for the Halloween series. The end.
Because calling it Halloween Returns instantly loses a ton of potential viewers who think it's yet another one of the many Halloween sequels and now wont bother with it since they haven't seen any of the others and think they'll be lost with the story.
Call it JUST Halloween and it instantly puts the casual audience at ease thinking they can go into this one with no prior knowledge, hence why they did it.
It's really not rocket science.
AND a reboot above everything else, hence why it's titled JUST Halloween. With DIRECT sequels to come which will focus primarily on the granddaughter character and nothing of Jamie Lee Curtis since she's done.
LOL troll (and fail) harder, crybaby dumbass
SMDH Seek help, loser crybaby
Agree about what? That you're a clueless 12 year old like the OP?
You try having a masked serial killer murder all your friends then chase you around trying to do the exact same thing and see if you casually forget about 40 years later.
You complete and utter moron.
Says the dipshit loser crybaby who just wrote "can't write nothing". LOL get back to the school education you DESPERATELY need, moron troll