MovieChat Forums > DorianGay > Replies
DorianGay's Replies
Weak beta male man and strong black female Mary Sue.
^^^ Proof
There is nothing funny about Herzog, dude has been making shitty movies for 40 years. Pretty sure he never went to film school.
Herzog’s film is an abomination to cinema and features some of the worst acting you will ever come across.
The 2024 film is better in every phase of filmmaking: better acting, better atmosphere, better music, better costumes, better pacing, scarier, better cinematography, and most importantly a better ending than that nonsense vampire riding off on a horse with the sun shining brightly.
Those photos are disgusting….what the hell is wrong with you? 🤢
The black family added nothing to the “history” of the house and only existed to have a scene where Woke Daddy warns his son how evil the police are haha.
Diversity casting for sure, messed with the pacing.
Wasted all that money on Celebrity endorsements, that backfired haha.
Said “I wouldn’t change a thing”
You’re right, she ran a flawless campaign 😂
The black family literally adds nothing to story being told. There’s even a scene where the black father tells his son what to do when a cop pulls him over.
They could have spent this time to better develop Hanks actual children but instead we get diversity nonsense.
Should I care that you posted 10,000 times? Get a life please
How long have you been a rapist apologist? Mother must be real proud
Which is my main account? Please enlighten me
She’s obese, liposuction might be the answer.
The fact that you’re so worked up over the slightest suggestion that 3 black women helped get us into space just shows what a racist piece of shit you really are.
If you loved the original, you will love this bold new take. It’s almost flawless in its execution.
This was a masterpiece, deserves the Oscar for best picture.
Nope, it should be a crime.
His career ended a couple years ago after he got demoted to 2nd string because of a horrible QB rating. Once defenses figured him out his career crashed hard and fast.
When did I say I’m White? Lol
Diversity isn’t a bad thing, however forced diversity is morally wrong. You seem very bitter and angry at the white man, maybe you should do something with your life.
What you’re talking about is mass genocide, arson, and will go to jail in 2018 for this so what exactly is your point? If we ignore race that a mob of white people will slaughter blacks and the courts will turn a blind eye?
I’m not talking about ignoring hate, I’m talking about ignoring race. If minorities are so insecure by the color of their own skin in 2018 then maybe they should move to a country where they’re no longer the minority. White people for the most part don’t ever think about skin color nor do they care about race in never even enters their mind. But minorities have been brainwashed into seeing racism everywhere they look, it’s a sad state of affairs here in America.
The only way to stop racism is for minorities to grow thicker skin and to start acting more like white people (not playing the victim card, ignoring race, speaking in complete sentences and showering every day).
You’re talking about art, I’m talking about a 5 foot 3’ skank who’s shopping for bread with her ass hanging out like a 3 cent hooker. Stop making excuses for these sluts.