tcraigh's Replies

I’m just saying he is not old He’s not old at all actually relatively young! He looks extremely young for his age! In medieval times the average lifespan was low due to high infant mortality but nowadays it is common for people to reach 100! Frankie Boyle! An elitist prick who hates women. He is extremely powerful so he believes he can get away with anything. He may be right as he seems immune from the law. I agree with what you say, However this in certain ways is a good ahow. To say it is bad is not accurate. People who dislike this show have not watched much television because I do not see the problem with this show. It is less than perfect however I think yes. However it would not have been as successful. If the 90’s era stability had lasted the show would still have been a hit. The first series was conceived before 9/11 and featured a low level threat compared to later season so it did not really reflect post-9/11 culture. The fact is that the first series is brilliant television so would have been a hit regardless. Where things would differ without 9/11 is following it up. My guess is that the’real time’ novelty would have worn off by the end of season one so doing a second season would probably have been a pale imitation or a not as good follow up. It would probably have been more like heroes with a great first season followed by disappointing follow ups. Alternatively it could have been a one season wonder. It may have had a good second season but it would never have lasted as long. Even if it had not lasted as long it would always be regarded as great television. The tv landscape would have moved on although a revival could have happened. As technology evolved the series could have taken advantage of this. Even if successful it would have looked very different but series one would always have been a success because it was just brilliantly written. My theory is that the marines killed them along with all of Drax’s other people. When Jaws and Dolly found each other it seems clear they are only ones alive. If anyone else survived they would have been legging it to the escape pod or shuttles, like the henchmen in dr no were legging it from crab quay at the end. 2 survivors are mentioned. You see the marines shooting unarmed people and they almost shoot Holly. The master race were obviously villains as seen in the scene with the snake.Y don’t see the marines killing them because having the good guys killing unarmed hotties would not have got the film a pg certificate. This is just my theory but it seems the only logical thing. You are right about that apple device being crappy, I am thinking of going over to android when my contract is up Maybe he wanted Jeff to think the reason the kidnappers had let him (Billy) overhear their plans for Amy was that Jeff would think that the kidnappers would think that they could let Billy overhear as being as he was impaired he would not understand or tell anyone what he saw, then Billy would pretend not to be as dumb as he seemed and ‘unexpectedly’ leak info to Jeff In what way? Was his being supposedly mentally impaired meant to get Jeff to trust him? Was him being apparently a simpleton meant to give Jeff the idea that he (Billy) would not have been involved with the kidnappers? I took his simpleton routine as a way of gaining Jeff’s trust as Jeff would most likely not suspect an apparently simple but helpful man of being involved in the kidnapping of his wife. Ok I disagree with the society depicted in this picture and agree that political correctness is wrong, just look at the wokeness ruining franchises such as Star Wars. However and I hate saying this but total freedom of speech has failed and some control is needed. When I was younger I would never have dreamed I would say this. The reason I do is that to a certain extent freedom can fail. I am talking about bullying, banter and brutal honesty, now all these things WOULD be ok but for one thing, some people who dish it out can’t take it. This leads to conflict which would never have happened if certain people had been controlled. I am sorry to say this but some control is sadly nessessary, it would not be if pro freedom people were like edgar friendly It totally sucks, both women wore dumpy clothing and the redhead had a huge ass, unnecessarily violent, weird music, creepy lead character, difficult to follow, unrelatable characters, no humor, not enough driving, not enough cool action or special effects, very slow in parts, when you do see driving it disappoints, this film is no fun. Shame as the trailer made it look cool! Anyone looking for a decent movie give this a miss, check out the fast and furious franchise! Soooo much better than this crap! Can you give me a link cheers Apparently Edgar Wright is doing one