PaulStaud's Replies

I agree, didnt think it was as bad as the reviews suggest. Far from a masterpiece, but good, turn off the brain and enjoy flick IMO. It is possible, I was just wondering if there were a connection, but probably not. I didnt notice the symbol in he opening credits till the episode after the Jadis one. I was honestly expecting to see that symbol again, either involving the helicopter or maybe later, but they could have just added that symbol to her food can just to add a symbol on it, which is odd, but could just be nothing. Just a weird thing to specifically put onto a food can and show while she is eating from it, this isnt the type of symbol that is found on any food cans anywhere, I assumed it was to show what group represented by the symbol she had gotten the food from. The hormone thing aside, don't almost every single one of their stories involve abuse/severe neglect? I'm not certain that the obese are generally dumber than most, just look at that biopic The Nutty Professor, that dude was smart as hell and fat. I will have to watch again but I though i remembered seeing the Japanese girls all singing around the demon beating it, I believe they beat it, maybe I am forgetting something though. It was like three crescent moon shaped symbols in a circle. I knew I had seen it before and caught it on the opening credits one of the next episodes. I had to google "TWD opening credits" and pause the video to see it again on Michonnes sword near the base where it meets the handle (I can only assume it is her sword). Could just be coincidental, but just struck me as odd I never saw her original episode (I just started watching this show this season). She's obviously just making excuses for her inability to overcome her food issues (deeper issues than food, but...). The boyfriend MUST really know that this isn't true, but like a lot of the husbands of the obese, they want to keep them fat and dependent upon them because they are afraid of losing them for various reasons...I think in one of the "flashback" parts of her story last night Dr. Now (or someone) might have actually said as much. The "trigger" in almost all of their stories are abuse (physical or sexual or both). So I certainly see how traumatic things like this from your childhood cause issues later in life. Either food, drugs, all self destructive tendencies. Not that traumatic things are excuses for self destructive behavior, it just greatly lends itself to these types of lifestyles, it shouldn't be an excuse or used as a crutch. You need to learn how to overcome sh*t in your life, this is what the show is about. I think it was two woman...I was thrown off with the way one would say something then the other would literally just repeat what the first one said. The part where they called the pants suits act "benevolent" was particularly odd to me. Just a weird thing for them both to in concert say as if they worship this lady or something, but I'm probably reading too much into it. Little with TWD lately has made much of any sense to me. Virgin dying last....yes i think this was a risky point that you probably just have to overlook. But when the stoner was still alive, she did just about bite he bullet so they did flirt with this happening in the movie. I would've thought the people who watched this had some sort of way to know who was dead and alive still but I guess not. Other rituals....I thought as long as one (from any country) worked the "gods" were appeased. The other countries must also have different setups, I remember the Japanese one being inside an elementary school classroom, not exactly where I would expect to find the fool (stoner) character unless the teacher was hitting the pipe before class. Maybe the person literally just had to be a fool, in which case I would argue the stoner wasn't since he was the only one to see through the whole thing at first (ironically because of his weed).