andyorwig's Replies

I’ve wanted to rip that stupid thing off his head since I’ve seen it. The Scoleri Brothers had some fun.... It's accurate due to the scarcity of available uniforms and clothing during the war, particularly when they marched into Northern territory. Soldiers took what they could when they could. Nearly everything with Fremantle, including the 'sons of virginia' speech by Armistead. Also: some of the stuff with Chamberlain was preachy and too long. I agree with you. Meade was the cornerstone of the Union victory. However, in the book as well, which the movie is based off of, he is mentioned very little as well. It's kind of (but not totally) told from the Confederate perspective with some sympathies going to the Southern cause. Even though his is a big part of the novel, I would've reduced or eliminated Fremantle. My god, he just makes every scene draw out. Put in Culp's Hill action in his place. Couldn't agree more and shows like this are basically enablers in and of themselves. To keep the show going they have to build drama which means that these women are paid to keep their failures going while the show enables the mentality that this type of lifestyle is acceptable. Not sure about the paint, but there is an episode I just watched where Victor kicks over a space-heater while in his boarding house, later causing a fire. I thought that he was good in Amityville Horror, which was pretty serious. I agree with other posts that any language that you might encounter is actually relevant to that moment. It's not blatant or anything. The memory of that day and it's subsequent message should never be forgotten and should be shown to EVERYONE. Sadly, much of the memory that brought America together afterward is now lost. Look I'll help you out here. I was in New York City on Murray and West Broadway that morning. I didn't see the first plane but heard it fly overhead and hit the North Tower. It wasn't a loud crash (it was very high) but the glass breaking and the hole left behind certainly were real. 18 minutes or so later, I was outside in the street when the second tower was hit. The plane I saw certainly was real. It caused massive damage to the tower and the ensuing fireball and people affected, jumping and more. It was horrific. I don't know what hit the Pentagon. It is suspicious that they've never really released real pictures of what hit the building. The physics of it don't make sense but, not being a conspiracy theorist, just prefer to know that many many died when the building was hit and that several passengers died/disappeared that day. The grass outside of the impact zone wasn't even burnt or damaged. Who knows? 110 cameras and not one was working that day. Shanksville is another mystery. The plane slammed hard into the ground, but it disintegrated and there wasn't any baggage, people, bodies, clothing, seats, left behind. When the plane that was purposely ran into the Alps a few years back by the pilot nearly everything was strewn about but not fully destroyed. It was more than likely shot down but we will never know because the government continued to push the 'let's roll' narrative to drum up public support for a war that we are now seeing is finally coming to a close. Well, we know that Trump would protect his fried chicken and gravy at all costs. The 'clock is always running' is the point. Forget San Dimas. But that is what Rufus said. this means that no matter where they go, what they do, how much time they spend in the past of future, the clock is always running forward and they will run out of time to do their report. This makes no sense in terms of the movie as they should be able to loop it over and over again without the ripple. In my view, it lost the magic of the first film. From the start of the movie, there is a grey cloud over it, especially when we learn that the Ghostbusters had been sued and blamed for all of the damage and are now not even taken seriously. They saved the City of New York! It cast a pall over the film and they covered it up with lazy writing and a bad script. Winston comes and goes without explanation and there doesn't seem to be any follow-up to the previous movie. If you watch it closely, and I just did again, Bill Murray doesn't want to be there. Dan Akroyd is carrying the film, Ramis is just being Ramis and Hudson is hanging on to whatever scene he can be in. Dana Barrott having a son (with an AWOL father) isn't exactly good material either. I dunno, it lost the energy of the first film and could've been better. That's all. I've been tired at movies before and haven't fell asleep. This movie was ok at the outset, in the middle it dragged and seemed to lose it's focus then it refocused back. I've seen better Tarantino films. Yeah it was late on a Friday after a long day at work. I sunk into the chair. I enjoy Tarantino movies, but also had the same issue with Grindhouse, loooooong drawn out pointless dialogue. It was about as entertaining as the Wall Street Journal. More like bored stiff. But it did get interesting in the end. I know that. And that's even more the reason that Hal should've been more to blame than Gabe for her death. Ribisi's character had so many layers to it and how he was able to pull that off (like going from berserk to laughing again in a few seconds like nothing happened) was outstanding and was not very recognized. Nice apology for your side. Yes, the USS Cole was attacked under a Democrat (Clinton) and then a Republican, who was actually friends with the family of the accused 9/11 plotter (Bush) ignored intelligence regarding airplanes being flown into buildings and led us into a war based on false intelligence that we've been in now for going on 19 years. Republicans seem to keep getting us into messes. Democrats aren't good either, but at least they seem to care.