thewaitress's Replies

whats your favorite song by dre? :) I do work with the public. I can't imagine having to deal with some people and their food, oh man talk about nightmares. haha I haven't. Being a waitress would be a tough gig! My username is from my favorite show of all time. :) and whats that? Biggie Snoop Jay-Z BEFORE Beyonce Dre aw, you are so nice. :) thank you. cereal commercials always crack me up. no kid is that happy during the weekday. :D thanks. I try not to be annoying haha. Female, but I'm assuming my username screams that. I'm just not very active! I'll work on it :) ;) Guess he's just happy to have a job? I don't think it could last more than 3 years, and thats pushing it. Huge Andrew Lincoln fan huh? He's a good actor. I'll watch until its over, I've only quit on one show and one of these days I might go back to it. I'm dedicated like that. Or insane. One of the two. Not at all. In my eyes, that woman can do no wrong. She is a saint. :) Some kids are downright terrible, don't blame you. Can't wait to see what happens :) I'll miss the main cast of course but change can be good! always nice to see new actors too. I wonder what their song would be, haha. so that means Judith is the future of his story? Kid better have superpowers or something. I work nightshift, usually only one morning shift a week. Tomorrow is the first one in awhile & its 2am.. Night owl to answer your question. lol I like Madison but the s4 premiere was really good. Great writing. Wow, interesting. I haven't heard any of that. I wouldn't think Rick's story would end soon though because the show is about him or so I've always thought.