thewaitress's Replies

What makes this scene gross? I didn't find it gross at all. I enjoyed it. Seemed appropriate for the setting, the story, what is about to take place. I mean, she might die. He might die. So they fucked. Big deal. Lots of people like dimwitted pup there, sad that people like that thrive in the real world. at least here he is clearly labeled an idiot. I'd go with the carnival of old whores. Hell, might be a traveling thing and every town has one! Just dealing with all kinds of shit DF, too much. Yeah, exactly! There is no reason for her to ever question how many of anything I get or don't get. I'm the manager on duty, therefore its MY JOB to go to the bank. :) They will have to fire me to get rid of me now, I got what I felt I deserved so I'm happy. People get under my skin with that type of attitude. What made you think that? I like the clean linen scents. Gain is pretty nice. Nothing smells like cotton candy or old whores though. I'll have this in the back of my head next time I need dryer sheets. Under. I'm very happy with my life :) Only thing that would make it better is if I was self-employed. agreed with charliekelly. if you can't have some nuts about you in that world, then what good are you? I liked that he showed some backbone. Aw man, Dazed is the best! I love you Dazed! I'll miss you around here. very doubtful, bud. Maybe under something? Couch, fridge, etc? I will be. yeah, I read that. I don't agree with those things but I like when movies push limits a little bit. Its honestly not that bad of a show. I mean, you can see some nice lookin' butts sometimes. Might be a little scripted drama. I've watched a few back to back, really passed the time when I was just laying in bed and couldn't sleep. I haven't seen it but it looks interesting. sia - cheap thrills I stopped watching many seasons ago, when it was in the single digits. I figured they would have bumped up the prize money by now. 1 million is still a shitload of money though, even after all the taxes and fees. If it was 10 million? I can't imagine how many people would try out. Good strategy to up the prize if they want more people trying out, views, ratings, etc. Aw man, I can't choose! I love Wooderson, Carl, Pink, Slater, O'Bannon, Tony & Mike. So many great lines from those guys. all sorts of shit. all of it garbage.