ElKabong1940's Replies

Personally, I liked the scene with Audrey getting the naked massage. You can have the dyke Jodie Foster. Have you ever seen "Wings"? Now that's realistic! She was super hot in that film. For some unknown reason. I think she looks better with her hair up. She annoyed me too! What a bitch! Who would put up with her? Can you imagine, with all the issues she had, to be married to her? A gold digger that looked like Lana Turner would aim a lot higher than the wife of a old greasy spoon or run away with a loser with no money. What about that is so hard to understand? I heard that she had the hots for Brando, but he turned her down. Oh, excuse me. Your must be a menstruation fluid taster like the author. Orientals, especially Indians, are the most racist people in the world starting with the caste system. My son dated an Indian girl in college. The girl kept it a secret from her parents since they would not have approved. Yet Indian men come here want the right to pursue white women. They are a bunch of hypocrites. To satisfy the author's fantasy of an Indian with a white woman. The author was an Indian. That sounds like a good reason to hack her to death with a machete! Have you ever known Hollywood to not over do it or embellish a story? I seriously doubt that all of these bizarre sexual episodes occurred in one small town. After all, this is the Bible Belt! I was a teenager in the 1950’s in a large city. There was a incident of a policeman who was sexually abusing his daughter. When she was old enough to acquire a boyfriend, she told him what was going on. The boyfriend killed her father with a rifle. My high school buddy got his girlfriend pregnant. The girl’s parents went with an abortion. Abortion was a big no-no back then. The poor girl stood on a street corner with her bag. She got in the back seat of a certain car and was dropped off a week later on the same street corner. My wife was from a small Southern town and I heard all of the episodes that occurred there. There was a high school girl who worked part time for a lawyer. They had an affair - she wasn’t any Sibil Sheppard. There was a farmer who was known to be sexual abusing his daughter. There was also a married couple who were known swingers. All of the sexual episodes in this movie probably took place sometime or the other in various places, but not in one small Texas town. I don't know why you are getting your pantyhose in a knot over this. My point was that the movie did not properly portray celestial navigation - that's all! Just what I thought - you are criticizing something you know nothing about. Anyone who sails across the ocean in a small boat is risking their life. Might as well play Russian roulette. How much celestial navigation have you done to dispute what I have written? The writer of The English Patient is an Indian and he was working out his fantasies for white Christian women. The book was even worse with Kip tasting her menstruation fluid. I have written some gross stuff, but that beats it all! Based on a true story - undoubtedly embellished. Women always get better looking and the story exaggerated in print or on the screen. I find it refreshing not to always have a TN in every movie! I didn't like it. My cable only gave it Two stars! Thanks I'd like to chew on some of that fat! So its better that your relatives pick the person for you? Is that what you did? Probably not!