MovieChat Forums > OnThePike
OnThePike (1)
Well, I was a lurker over at IMDB for a decade or so and always followed along with the boards during the marathons. Then, after all those years I finally decided to register and contribute (some of you may remember me as one of a handful of folks posting every upcoming episode in real time with excerpts of each episode including all cast members, etc). Well, we closed down about 3 or 4 threads last year and I had a ball contributing and learning from everyone. Then 2 months later the IMDB forums were gone LOL!
So I figured I'd lurk here, and a few other places, and see how involved the communities were. Sadly, this one seems a bit slow, but who knows? Maybe tomorrow more lurkers like myself will join in and we'll pick up some.
Meanwhile, I'm about to take a nap. If I don't make it back in time, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all -- especially my fellow East Coast'ers who, in only an hour and a half will be celebrating!
Anyway, nice to see one or two familiar usernames here and will jump into the topics when I return.
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