Tulsanoodles's Replies

Nothing says “free-thinking” like regurgitating right-wing name-calling "Smiling fascists" making movies about the Resistance. So much name-calling, so little thought. I'm sure it is a conspiracy. Trump should investigate Hilary's role in this. It's not possible there could be people who were entertained, laughed and fascinated by fresh and new aspects of the Star Wars universe. I'll check back in nine hours for your reviews. If you can make it through Phantom Menace, you'll be fine with the other two. But I find Phantom to be just dreadful. Have you seen TFA and RO? Poor neglected thing. Six films and that isn't enough to reassure your wounded boy ego. Boo Hoo! There's only one white male in the new characters. There must be a war on white males. Of course, Master_Lo, like all narcissists, believes he is the only one whose opinion matters. "He speaks for the.." fans. Only the fans have their own voices and their own brains unlike Dr. Suess's trees...and many of them are not white, heterosexual, Christian, males. The Darkside could be just like a phase kids through, like the terrible twos. Maybe it could be a metaphor for PMS and Rey could go to the Darkside for a couple of days a month. Kind of like how hatred of Hilary made Trump look like a viable option for some. Nailed it. I like the Last Jedi but I agree that it is anti-male. In fact I think that is very much the point in a loving way. Poe and Finn go running off on their reckless, trigger happy boy-hero quest without telling Holdo (I.e.the babysitter) even after Leia (i.e.Mom) has demoted Poe. It's all a silly waste that actually kills even more of the precious few lives of the Resistance and ends when Mom comes home to discipline the "troublemaker". Finn tries to commit a foolish heroic act of suicide only to be saved by Rose whose last conscious words chastise his foolishness. Johnson has introduced the world of arms dealers and he clearly is interested in something more for Star Wars than just endless trigger-happy boy-heroes blowing up endless Death Stars built by imaginary bogey-men. He understands that that only benefits a military industrial complex. Rightly or wrongly, Johnson is demythologizing Star Wars. Yoda (I.e. Dad) shows up and literally blows up the bibles that Luke admits he's never read in spite of being on an island for years with nothing else to do. Luke at the end of ROTJ was the best hope for the light side and all he succeeded in doing is continuing the cycle by creating a poor man's Darth Vader and in his insecurity tried to commit murder instead of nurturing him away from the dark side as Rey is trying to do with Ren. There are no "good guys with a gun" in Johnson's Star Wars, only little-boys with dangerous weapons. The Last Jedi is subversive and "anti-male". It is a leftist political film, repelled by the infantile POTUS and "gambling" class that put him there. Jaws and a New Hope ended the strident political masterpieces of of the early seventies. Network came true. We are living Chinatown. This is not your Daddy's Star Wars and they have reason to feel betrayed. I like it. I'm with the spark of hope that is the Resistance. 8/10 Once Upon a Time in America, Brazil, Citizen Kane It's no secret she did not live a healthy lifestyle, physically or mentally. She has a noticeable lack of blocking and business to do in her scenes that are always abbreviated. Just a couple of lines then cut. Your contribution to the discussion has been noted. They should be. What other franchise has been so invested in the cult of one man who has failed them time and time again. Well the OT is still there for you to watch to your regressive little heart's content. I'm surprised you put down your bible long enough to latch onto something from last century...and you're on the internets. You should stop feeling threatened by the "feminazis" and enjoying the Last Jedi by 2050. I'll never understand the reverence for Lucas. I get that he made a New Hope and he has been more than rewarded for his talent in creating that but he never directed another worthwhile film. In fact, his only semi-accomplishment after a New Hope was in helping Speilberg create Indiana Jones. I honestly believe if Kasden hadn't written and Kirshner directed the Empire Strikes Back, the entire Star Wars franchise would have collapsed in the eighties from Lucas's pedestrian skills. Can you imagine if the creator of the Phantom Menace had showed up to make Empire Strikes Back? The Matrix movies are probably the best comparison of what Star Wars history would be now. I don't think we are ever going to get neatly wrapped up packages like Return of the Jedi again. Twin Peaks, the X--files and GOT pretty much made that kind of linear narrative style obsolete. Look at what Abrams did when he made the new Star Trek movie. With a simple time travel sequence, he obliterated the constraints of three decades of Star Trek narratives and created a whole "field-theory" of narrative possibilities. That is not just gimmickery and arrogance, that is liberation and meaningful creativity, especially to a technological generation. I don't know what the future holds but if I were guessing Canto Bight will prove to be a much more important sequence than we realize right now. It's enough right now that we know it as the introduction of the evil arms smuggler and an adorable stable boy.