MovieChat Forums > BadSeed84
BadSeed84 (14)
The question remains, is the same coffee machine still at the Quick Stop
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Did you find the original Beetlejuice woke? Otho was in that, so it would fall under that no?
For real tho, no it wasn't except a few aspects like the neighbor's daughter which was def random, but that was a scene less than a minute.
Discord has basically become the defacto chatroom.
You also have to remember this was still a year prior to the PG-13 rating being introduced. Which is probably would've been if it existed (and what the other vacation movies were rated). So it was either PG or R.
I also would've liked to have seen them bump someone they knew in their 40s now like Stewart or Dario or someone.
I just started getting into this show and had to know too what this song was.
Driven by Ronee Blakley (Who played Patsy in the ep)
Luckily its on some free apps this year (Tubi, Pulto TV)
She flat out says she wants to date a Donald Trump a couple times during the show.
So duh.
I never worked in a convenience store (Though I did apply to a Wawa once) but I worked in a supermarket in my mid-late 20s so I would get a taste of it. One time I'm baggin grocers and this pregnant lady was standing right there then she just passed out and fell to the floor, I froze and luckily someone else called 911.
Then I would get the comments about the paper that day from people who were still getting it (early 2010s), some headline about a football player who did some crime "I always say those footballs players are all dumbjocks, every one of them lugheads"
There is only 2 tables, and the stools around the bar, so they can't even have that too much people in there.
It doesn't.
Episode 6 was easily the worst imo of the season.
This season was really lousy, it went too far into the netflix tropes route imo (Super progressive/sjw, nude scenes/sex talk).
Most of the cast becomes very unlikeable this season save for Marc and his daughter.
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