ThrillerTalk's Replies

I ended up buying all 9 films in one pack from Walmart. Why does it need to stop just because you don't like it? the films actually are going to end with a 2 movie finale, but even if it wasn't you could easily just not watch it and leave the films to the people who do like them instead of insulting people who have a different opinion than you. you should have minded your business. now you're on ignore. Well while you cringed others enjoyed it. I'm glad to own this movie on DVD. Just popped it in again recently and had some good laughs. I liked it then when I watched it on VHS, and I like it now still. I'm glad to own the Blu Ray. It's just a silly 80s movie from the same era that gave us other crazy fantasy stuff like The Golden Child and Big Trouble in Little China. If anything it shoulda happened in 1996, or even 2006. At this point the word overrated is overrated. Rate things your way while others rate it theirs. I thought this was a great movie when I watched it back then, and I still like it a lot now. If only we got a actual sequel to find that out and more. because he wants to. you're on ignore now..but ya know. you had it comin yo. Exactly. I watched the movie for the first time recently and I enjoyed it. I had no nostalgia of it what so ever. With that said, you should really stop trying to tell others why they like something. Especially a movie of all things. So what if they like it? what's it really to you that this thread needed to be made? All rhetorical questions btw. The answer is simple. You're a bored troll. Bye now bored troll. Well no one can please everyone in this world. You just work hard at what you do for the ones that do like your stuff. Sandler always has. It is the same Marty. Once Marty went back in time and interacted with people all of that became a part of the history of that time. So when Marty goes back again and sees himself he's seeing himself going through everything he went through before he got to the point of that part of the story. If he went back again he'd see himself watching himself. Shit I would have liked to seen Damon and Will do a movie together. They would have been hilarious sharing the big screen in their primes. I'm glad to have the DVD in my collection to pop in whenever. uh, no thanks. wow you're slow. He said he'll break it off if the hand didn't "write it"..and then the hand wrote it so there was no need to break it off. Clearly you're looking way to hard into something that's not there, but hey that's your business pal.