replicant4's Replies

I 100% agree. Tonight's episode was for adults....who appreciate more than just cartoon violence. Adults who appreciate character development and good storytelling. And the acting was great--especially Dillahunt. He is fantastic. Why isn't he a bigger star by now? I have just become a big fan. I'll give you 4 big reasons to look forward to it: 1) Cher singing Fernando. 2) A return to that amazing Greek village. 3) The whole cast returning. 4) Cher....singing.....Fernando. The comic relief from the GotG crew was one of the best elements of the film, IMO. I found their scenes enjoyable, and literally laughed out loud several times. I think it's mostly a minority of Marvel comics/movies snobs that look down their noses at such.....hmmmm, what's a word they would use? "Tripe!" They would probably use tripe....or "drivel". This is a great idea! He uses a 5-minute hair dye product called: "Just for Wookies". Did Aaron even get any screen time in the finale? He was an unsung hero, the way he rallied the Oceanside Women. Heck....the women didn't get but maybe 6 seconds of screen time either. Yes, good point about that helicopter! If memory serves, that thing made an appearance as far back as Season 1, when Rick rode that horse into the downtown area. There was also a mysterious voice on the radio at one point in S1 or S2, but I don't think that plot point ever picked-up any traction. Interesting viewpoint. I'm not sure how Al keeps charging that camcorder of hers...but maybe there's a generator in that super-tanker of hers. I would think that vehicle would make her one heck of a target. Anyway, if you like the optimism of the Al character, you're probably intrigued with that mysterious lady (from midway through this season of TWD) the nice white suit, with the van and the twin bodyguards. I wonder how and when she will pop up again? Right. I thought it was pretty awesome in S2 when they were on the water in that amazing yacht. But then things got bogged down and convoluted once they ended-up in that Mexican village...and the son kept wandering around in walker herds covered in blood, etc. I had to drop off after that. However, I agree....the S4 premier looked intriguing. I found the "Al" character a bit flakey and unrealistic (driving around in a super-armored tank/truck....interviewing people). (Yeah, ok). However....the cowboy character redeemed the episode quite a bit. He was just quirky and likeable enough (yet also a badass) to peak my interest. In S2, BTW....I thought Strand was the best of the characters, and I wanted him to throw Madison right of his effin boat every time she insisted on bringing STRANGERS onto a boat with limited space and limited resources. As Strand himself said: "Rule Numer One: It's MY BOAT. Rule Number Two: It's MY GD BOAT!" He gave them safe passage, a lifeline off the devoured mainland....a boat with food, water and sleeping quarters....and at every turn, Madison and that foolish daughter kept insisting on trying to fill the boat with strangers? I'd have made them swim home. r5d4d2....if you approach a show like this in that way, you will just find infinite flaws and you will be miserable. It would be like watching Enter the Dragon and saying: "Oh sure, like each of that group of 25 black belts are going to run willy-nilly straight into Bruce Lee's punches, one at a time, and never land a blow". It would be like watching Commando and saying: "Oh sure, Arnie is running through all sorts of grenades blowing up all around him, yet not one powder burn or one scratch of shrapnel." It would be like watching Rambo and saying: "Oh sure, Rambo can hit 80 people with his one gun, all by himself...but not one of the enemy's multiple machine guns even NICK him." It would be like saying: "Oh sure, a shark is going to get a running start and actually LEAP up onto Quint's boat like that." It would be like saying: "Oh sure, a boxing match would even REMOTELY look like this choreographed exchange of punches....20 unanswered blows from Rocky, then 20 unanswered blows from Clubber, etc, etc." It would be like saying: "Oh sure, like Rocky could REALLY take the beating Thunderlips dished out on him, and then just spring over, pick Thunderlips up and toss him out of the ring." It would be like saying: "Oh sure, Philo Beddoe could take continuous blows, square in the face, from Jack Wilson.....each blow would make a loud "CRACK!" sound, like 2 boards smacking together....and he just stay on his feet and keep taking those kinds of blows." It would be like saying: "Oh sure, like John McClane would fall down that elevator shoot, miraculously grab onto an open vent...and then defy physics pulling himself in." Would you like me to keep going? Because there's 150,000 more where that came from. Why not just enjoy it for the outlandish, unrealistic fantasy world that has been created, and not sweat the small stuff? You tightass. Just sayin. gbu....yes. It would have been easy to just have Rick kill Negan. Good guy triumphs over bad guy. But it creates a lot more complexity by Rick sparing his life. I thought it was a cool episode. Really, what else could they do....have yet ANOTHER drawn-out gunfight? Eugene's little trick was awesome. And Rick bearing down on Negan was intense. Ultimately, a hand-to-hand fight to the death. And even though Rick was physically bested, he proved once again...he will do anything he get the upper hand. His Negan to drop his guard just long regain the upper hand. I thought it was a great episode. Also, a very underrated scene....was Daryl showing Dwight mercy. That was a powerful and poignant scene for Dwight, and the acting was brilliant. It was really rather heartbreaking. His story arc has been a tragic one, and ultimately he wanted to redeem himself and do the right thing....knowing full well Rick's group still would never forgive him. I'm glad Dwight lived, and I hope he ends up doing something significant down the road. I don't think Morgan will be "redeemed". I think he's just a complex character, who has done bad and good, (like everyone else in the ZA), and it will just be interesting to witness how his story plays out. Whereas seems like their (could) be an eventual attempt at redeeming him (mainly, per Carl's dream sequences). However, that probably would not be realistic. They've done a good job making Negan a bit more complex than a one-note villain.....and they could even make him just a little bit sympathetic (if they show how his family was taken out, and how that made something inside just snap). However, what he did to Glenn and Abraham.....not to mention the original doctor, and just too much to come back from and be a decent guy. I will hand it to JDM. He is really upping his game. Early on, people were complaining about his antics, and his portrayal or Negan. But his acting has actually been quite good, especially lately. When Rick got him to drop his guard (by talking about Carl)...the tearful look in Negan's eyes was powerful. It showed he still had some humanity in there somewhere. ruthless. He will use any tactic he needs to. I can see both points of view. While "venting" seems like a lame cop-out, I think complainers are the kind of people who are perpetually unhappy. And while "venting" seems futile, I think the other objective (the hope that the show creators will maybe see these kinds of posts and decide to step up their game) is futile as well. If anything, it will get them thinking like: "Well, it sounds like we're losing people in droves, let's start thinking about how we're going to wrap this show up. It appears to be a sinking ship." The non-complainers who actually enjoy the episodes, seasons and story arc aren't cool with that. And they don't understand how a person who no longer likes a show will A) continue watching....and B) complain about it constantly. You may as well bang your head against the wall, and then complain that it hurts. It's just as pointless. And to suggest people are ignorant and that their brains work "on a lesser level",'re not doing yourself any favors. Nobody is calling you "idiotic" for bashing a TV show. Yet you get all worked-up when someone expresses THEIR opinion, because it goes against yours. Angry much? Well, like everyone has been saying, Eugene has always been about self-preservation. So if he sensed the tide was turning in favor of Rick's group, he probably felt that was his best play. I don't think he had a grand scheme overall. In fact, he actually mentioned that it was Gabriel's idea (making faulty bullets) that inspired him to do it. I also think when Rosita dressed him down, it motivated him to prove his worth. I'm guessing the vast majority of people who have seen this movie will simply have....enjoyed it. As is. Yep, the letters could have been done much better. Heck, they could have just shown Negan's face....reading Carl's letter (not indicating to us the viewers what it said), and let JDM sell it on expression alone. By the way....JDM took it up a level in the last episode. His acting was fantastic. It's kinda fun what they've done with the character of Eugene. He seems autistic.....and it's hard to tell whether he's brilliant, or just someone with occasional clever ideas who sells them with confidence. I'm leaning toward brilliant. And the fact that he's a cowardly weasel who occasionally does something heroic makes him fun to follow, and almost kinda root for. Plus, I like how dark and focused he became in the last episode. He had a different look in his eyes. It would be cool if he went down a dark, angry road with the Saviors. would be awesome if he's been playing them the whole time, and pulls something on them in the final hour. Either way, he's a great, multi-dimensional character that really could go in any number of directions. Yes, that's a great point. Plus...I like the fact that the show doesn't try to portray clearly-defined "good guys", in white hats that do no wrong. And "bad guys", in black hats that only do evil things, and laugh diabolically as they twist their mustaches. That may have been the way writing was for TV westerns in the 50's......but obviously, people can't be clearly-defined as either "good" or "bad". And especially in a ZA....both elements of a person's nature would probably come out in extremes. People who (in general) try to lead good, productive lives....may feel desperate and scared enough to do awful things, in an attempt to survive and help the people in their tribe to survive. I think Rick falls into that category. He'd like nothing better than to lead a peaceful life and raise his kids. But for various reasons, something in him snapped....and he is now willing to go to extremes. His wife was eaten. His best friend betrayed him. His son has been shot and threatened several times...(and eventually was killed). This is enough to drive a man to extremes. Extremes like biting a man's throat protect his son. Extremes like a preemptive strike on a band of marauders. Was that move good, or moral....or even wise? Well, most of those things. But the point is....Rick has devolved from civilized to something more.....primal, as a result of the ZA. And really, who is forcing ANYONE to "root" for Rick? People can make their own choices regarding who they want to "judge", or back...or root for. NOBODY's hands are clean in this world. That grey area makes it interesting, and a heck of a lot harder to place people into the "good" box or the "bad" box. I still "root" for Rick, because I think he is, in general, a decent guy (and a tough SOB), who has snapped a little inside, and has made some desperate decisions (some of them very bad decisions). But who hasn't? And in a ZA....multiply that by 100. Heck, even Gabriel....A PRIEST....when faced with the fog and the horror of a ZA, made a desperate decision to lock his parishoners outside his church and let them get eaten alive. Is Father Gabriel a decent person inside? In a civilized world...I believe he was. And, I believe he still is. But the ZA caused him to do extreme, desperate things he regrets. Likewise with Rick. There is no black or white in the ZA. Only grey. And if you've run out of people to root for....who said you have to root for anyone? Sometimes, it's just fun to watch how the story plays out. I just like that the characters are nuanced, and are not one-note "good guys" or "bad guys". Realistically, there is good and awful in everyone. a ZA. Any time you start to feel like Negan's not such a bad guy, just remember (and visualize) what he did to Glenn and Abraham. It's great that they're making him nuanced....and show that he even has some good (even compassionate) qualities. And who knows what awful tragedies made him the man he is now. But he can't escape the evil he has done.