
ADHC (6)



Yes, that is what I meant. It was her delivery on a lot of her lines in season two that felt off to me, not the lines themselves. I actually have the same concerns about their relationship. I think people are being a little too harsh because they don't want anyone to cast shade on their favorite couple, but there are definitely some problems with her being in so serious of a relationship with how naive she is about the world. I'm just not sure it's the best thing for eleven at this time given her upbringing, but I think they've kind of written the show in such a way that people would be really mad if Mike and Eleven don't stay together. That definitely could be a factor. For whatever reason she just didn't mesh with me this year, but as I said, I seem to be the only one. Sure. When she says "trick-or-treat" to hopper when she's in her ghost costume it just came out really weird, like robotic maybe? The reunion scene with her and Mike, the way she says 353 days (or whatever amount it was) just felt really cheesy in the delivery. Honestly, just a lot of her lines felt like the delivery was weird. Maybe that's what they we going for? It must have worked for everyone else because I haven't seen anyone else complain. I thought she was really good in season one, but actually really struggled with her acting in season two. The way she delivered her lines just fell flat me about half the time. I haven't seen anyone else complaining about that though. I thought that they broke up and that was reiterated in the shower scene with Steve, Billy and Tommy. Tommy makes the comment that Nancy and Jonathan have taken off not one day after Steve and Nancy broke up. I guess I figured that was the point of that scene was to let us know that they are considered broken up by everyone at school. View all replies >