OhHeyBro's Replies

Yep. This is what I've thought for years. It makes the most sense storytelling wise. I also think Cersei will save the day in the end with wyldfire. [quote]… and he won't, not with four episodes to go...[/quote]What makes you think that? For me it seems like the opposite. [i]Because[/i] there are four episodes left to go, it makes sense that they'd lose the battle at Winterfell and then the living will be forced to retreat back to King's Landing where they will make their final stand. She might have only been acting that way to appear tough. I think she knows her father was crazy. But yeah it does seem weird to still care about that with the incoming threat. Only 10% on torrents? That's kind of sad. I'd assume the unauthorized streaming services would be crap quality. It's probably best to remain quiet in a situation like that, especially when he already has people vouching for him. For all he knew, saying that could have just angered her more. I'm thinking it'll be one of these: Jaime Beric Theon Jorah Jon is a red herring I reckon/hope. He's already had so many titles already. Lord Commander, King of the North, and now possibly King of Westeros if Danerys doesn't survive. It's enough. Someone else should be the prince that was promised. I forgot about that scene where they said it could be a woman as well. "Princess that was promised" I'm just worried they'll do something stupid and have it be Arya to please the idiot fans. That will piss me off. Haha wow, you're right. I hadn't even noticed the resemblance :D But it didn't have to all be done in the same episode, one after the other as if they were just going through a checklist of things to do. That's the point. If they had planned ahead better and had Bran be in season 5, and not wasted so much time with filler in season 6 with Arya, and had season 7 be 10 episodes then many of the things that happened here could have happened a bit more naturally and over several episodes. LOL no My theory is that all the heroes in the north will badly lose the battle at Winterfell and have to retreat back to King's Landing where they will make their final stand. They then lose again, and all the the white walkers take over King's Landing. The Night King even has his moment where he sits on the iron throne (which by then has frozen over). But then Cersei saves the day by lighting the fuse to the wildfyre that is hidden in the walls throughout the whole city, destroying the white walkers, making "burn them all" the ultimate foreshadowing all this time. After all that? Perhaps a bit more game playing among the survivors until ultimately someone becomes the new king and/or queen. Intend to? Have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years? Star Wars was ruined back in December 2015 What exactly are you complaining about? If you're saying she's kind of a poor actress and her scenes are a bit cheezy, then yeah I agree. But if you're saying that a kid being a leader of a house is unrealistic for the show, then you haven't been paying attention, as that is not too unusual for Westeros. Totally agree. Definitely felt like they were just going through ticking boxes. "So and so has to reunite, so and so has to learn X" etc Pretty decent ep, but still very rushed much like season 7. I hope you are right and they just needed to do 1 rushed episode so that the remaining 5 could be paced well. Please let it to be true. No, it's not obvious at all. It just sounds like your fanfic. That's what helps to makes this show so compelling, because we have no idea how it will end. [quote]Because they cared about the characters. Because they cared about the story. Because they cared about not letting people down. Now if people feel let down by it, I don’t give a f—, because everyone tried their hardest[/quote]Um.... clearly not everyone did. I'm sure the actors and crew all did. But the writers/show runners definitely did not, as they've rushed the shit out of seasons 7 and 8x1. I really hate when actors feel the need to kiss ass to stay in the business. I have lost some respect for him now. Hasn't she already? [spoiler]She murdered Dickon.[/spoiler] [quote]Have I missed something[/quote]Yes. Probably somewhere in between I imagine. I'm sure the production values and battles will be amazing, and everything else like cinematography, music and acting will be on point as always, but judging by the first episode, it will be a very rushed season like 7. I hope to be proven wrong though. Maybe they just wanted to get the rushing out of the way and the next 5 episodes will be much better paced, who knows. At the very least I think it will be better than season 7. Probably more like season 6 quality. Meh. I'm still pissed off at season 4, so I'm fine with waiting another year. [quote]This show is just a parody of being slow now, I gave up at season 3, such a disappointment.[/quote]You'd probably like season 4 then, dumbass. They gave it lots of action and a super fast pace to appeal to morons like you. Season 3 was prime BCS. What pattern? Who besides Andrew Lincoln has wanted to leave? The only close ones I can think of are Lauren Cohen, who only left temporarily to do some stupid show and will be back apparently, and the one who plays Michonne who will leave after(or during?) season 10, I guess to pursue a career in Hollywood making generic superhero movies. That's hardly a pattern dude. It's just been Andrew Lincoln. How is TWD the kind of thing you wouldn't want on your resume, WTF? It's one of the best shows on TV currently and one of the last "Golden Age" shows left still running. Just because it has gone downhill doesn't change that fact. And remember, the main reason it went downhill is due to Andrew Lincoln leaving. The mistakes they made during season 7 and 8 like Carl being killed off were not bad enough to "not want TWD on their resume".