TyranosaurusMex's Replies

It's because the filmmakers were more concerned with making the audience feel depressed as oppose to making an enjoyable fun horror movie experience with lots of suspense, mystery and mind bending plot lines. And that sound when the black dude picks up the lantern must have really sounded unique to the director because he repeats it over and over again, do you know what part I'm referring to? Ignore Shogun he's just your (below)average internet idiot. I actually like this little discussion. Coming soon the Movie Chat Veganism vs Carnism debate. "su·per·nat·u·ral adjective 1. (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond [b]scientific[/b] understanding or the laws of nature." Science by which we use to understand the world around us can only go so far. To me "natural" is a strange word since technically everything that exists would be natural. Kind of like "paranormal" as if to say something is not "normal" simply because we can't understand how it could be possible to exist. Nothing is outside the "laws" of nature. "If supernatural creator exists in any capacity that it is not and would have never been limited by the laws of nature; such as things needing to be created from something else." Everything is limited by the restrictions/"laws" of nature(resources available for use). "If everything needed a creator than what created God?" Yeah I know what you mean. Here consider polytheism and the possibility of other forms of higher interdimensional consciousness involved in the universe's organization and creation. "Does that mean you see God similar to that of deism?" Not exactly. It would make no logical sense for a higher consciousness to help organize and create the universe if it had no investment in intervening in other affairs. But there are so many different planets in this universe that such a higher conscious being couldn't concern itself with just earth. It this higher force does intervene it would do so in a manner that is invisible and undetectable like ultraviolet light. For atheists the following structures could not have evolved by chance: The Heart: [url]http://anatomybody101.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/human-heart-anatomy-valves-heart-anatomy1320107439104.jpg[/url] The Eye: [url]http://pugetsoundeyecare.com/images/conditions/eye_anatomy.jpg[/url] The Vestibular System: [url]http://image.slidesharecdn.com/ll5wa7ioshashhmgqegd-signature-5967dd0451739e2af475d635299752bfdaf370c5b5350b71f63bc5acce8dc46d-poli-150110162313-conversion-gate02/95/the-vestibular-system-4-638.jpg[/url] My definition of God is; an interdimensional conscious organizing force that guides the creation of the universe. Which I believe does exist. In vet tech class when studying the anatomy of the heart I realized that such a structure had to be intentional, same with the eye, digestive system and various other organs. Living organisms are in a sense machines and machines are only created by intelligent and deliberate beings, so therefore there had to be a God. Even the chambers of the heart and parts of the eye are labeled as "valves" and "lens" which are mechanical terms and imply a creator. For me it's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, why? Because of thinking about how much damage those drug addict idiots are doing to their minds. Oh wow you must really be a complete loser to have absolutely nothing better to do than to stalk me and my activities throughout Movie Chat. All because you got your feelings hurt on the Inglorious Basterds board. I don't know what I said but it must have really got to you. Now do the world a favor and kill yourself you worthless waste of life. No what are they? Clearly the actions of misunderstood genius. It has to do with his mother sleeping with black men in some way. I'm not sure though. This freak use to cut himself on stage. He should be overjoyed over his new injury. "please explain why anybody killing anybody gets WORSE when they have different skin colors..." Because if people only kill within their race then they're only hurting themselves but when they massacre different racial groups that's called genocide since white people can not give birth to black people and black people can not give birth to white people (unless you count albinos). That's why racial wars are the worst. But the rest of the country went red. "TMex...are you willing to provide examples of pathological white/black discord in his films or are you just talking shit?" You know what? No, just no. If you actually need someone to explain to you why having white and black people constantly raping and murdering each other in Tarantino's movies doesn't reveal some underlining insecure racial pathology then you just weren't paying attention to them. "But why do you feel the black and white man are at odds in his films? I honestly never got that feeling" Well then you weren't paying attention! The white man and the black man battle for supremacy for Quentin's mind. Explains all the interracial violence in his movies.