MovieChat Forums > lusious214 > Replies
lusious214's Replies
I only heard the gunfire on the AM radio station I like listening to. I was surprised at just how quickly the good guy(s) responded.
Nothing wrong with a supporting role.
Excuse me, I never blamed the man in office for the racism against black people. Racial 'discrimination' is still very current and real.
Who are you blaming for all the heroin overdoses? Oh yeah, I forgot - drug addiction is a disease.
Any kind of self hate is no laughing matter, but since your focus is on black people, I have to take issue.
All of our lives, we are told we're not good enough, smart enough or pretty enough to compete with the white race.
Our parents/grandparents were indoctrinated by those beliefs, and they raised children with that mindset: showing preference to lighter skinned children with straighter hair and delicate features, and a host of other ways that divide our race to this day.
I will say that hearing from my own family that my hair is too nappy and my nose and lips too big, did prepare me for what I was to experience in life. What's not to love about that?
It's bad enough that I can't look at a mushroom anymore without being disgusted, but I'll take her word for it.
I skimmed K. Star's report when it came out in paperback, and needed a cigarette after reading the details about the infamous cigar.
Could it be their shame and embarrassment? One can only hope.
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say, but if he were born black IN Africa, why would he kill himself? How about this:
If white supremacist Richard Spencer woke up black in the USA - he'd surely end it all. Who cares? LOL
MRules, I'd expect people to know basic American History, where it teaches us who is responsible for enslaving and imprisoning entire races of people.
I personally don't hate the guy, but find it very difficult not to hate what he stands for.
Showing pride in your race is not the problem, but when it's historically used as a means of saying that one is better than another - that is wrong. Besides, the real fight is between the haves and have nots.
In other words, when it comes down to it, the only color that matters is green.
We have a winner!
It's called an awkward phase, and we've all been through it.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I always come away from this movie feeling as though Nina's mom had an unhealthy obsession with her, and that she was living vicariously through Nina. The mom was very manipulative, (celebration cake) controlling, and overbearing, but I never got the sense that Nina was being sexually abused.
I thought we were discussing his looks, not his criminal history. As far as my being shallow, I disagree as well. How is it shallow to see and identify something or someone that looks good?
I really think his baby blues have riled some of you, and I understand.
It sure doesn't hurt.
This man is super hot! From his piercing blue eyes, full lips, and chiseled features, this man represents the best of both worlds.
I just want to say rest in peace, Michael Marenkovich. Chaney High c/o '92
I think he looked very handsome in Baby Doll.