MovieChat Forums > mxpowers43 > Replies
mxpowers43's Replies
whatever youre just a loser with nothing better to do than bitch about a movie from 2 years ago that hurt your little man ego. youre pathetic.
I don't believe you have a wife. You are probably a bum living in his mom's basement. I think you made up a foreign wife so you can say you aren't racist.
Ah I do not know why I tried this site. IMDb was bad because of all the toxic trolls poisoning the environment. You being here is not a good sign of this site being any better.
wow, delusional much? Nice way to make yourself sound like you aren't a white nationalist. I am sure some morons will fall for it. You just want to ban all immigrants and make the US a whites only nation.
If you have to use insults you have already lost the argument. People like you are the reason had to close the message boards down. You make the environment toxic.
Dude, get over it. its just a movie. People liked Rey because they like her. she was charming, charismatic and was a fresh face to lead Star Wars. Do we give her a little extra love because she is a girl? yeah, probably. but people today like diversity in films so it was refreshing to have a female lead in star wars for a change. Guys lead way for 6 movies and the prequels were pretty much a bro movie between Anakin and Obi-Wan, with what's her face queen lady being a second almost forgotten character.
Only sexist like you care this much about a fictional universe because of your fragile male ego. Is Rey really that much of a threat to you?